
Showing posts from September, 2018
A cup of coffee sitting on your table at work can cause all of the luck in the world; a galaxy can resemble the swirls in your coffee. If the cup isn't there, then you will soon die after living in great misery and suffering. A simple change of attitude for literally a couple of seconds from someone who’s an angry person can literally change things for the rest of your life, whereas you could be condemned otherwise. I need to relax, but I can’t. Once I realized that I did something wrong, I felt extremely nervous and concerned, to say the least. Subtle things can cause subtle feelings, and if the feeling is different that what it was supposed to be, people can react to you negatively, for an indefinite amount of time. Then you can lose everything from your life! The universe looks much like some everyday things. I feel insane sometimes, but it's not because of me!

Overcoming anything

I have realized that there are various feelings that I’ve been having. There are subtle, say ambient and transient, feelings which we might notice or pay attention to on extremely rare occasions, if we even notice them at all. When I get a feeling, and I use solely my mind to keep at it, the feeling can sometimes take me somewhere! Sure there’s sadness, happiness, anger, depression, etc. But instead of those emotions, I have something on my mind that can be very difficult to notice or even detect, because it’s indescribable in the sense that it’s not categorized, just like some types of clouds or weather patterns might not be categorized yet. I have wondered if it’s been because of my use of technology. How do I go about describing or explaining this?! I think that we could somehow Do some investigation and delve deep into what such feelings really are, by studying the mind in a lab. We may need to know where and when specific kinds of chemicals are present in the mind, and may...

I Can Feel it coming...

Going into the Fuji X system

So I will be using the Fuji XT2, a camera that I’ve essentially been dreaming of, but back in that time it cost a whopping $1,500 or more, and I will be getting it for about $1,100! I will also be getting the Rokinon 50/1.2 for lowlight. What’s next? I won’t be getting any cameras for quite a while after that, at least a few years, even though I will still be interested in the Panasonic Full Frame to be able to obtain perfect image resolution (sharpness) at lower aperture. Despite Panasonic being a great company that offers some of the best features in their cameras, I simply can’t wait that long (until March) for a new camera to be released. It’ll most likely be out of my budget, even though the lenses might likely be very inexpensive. Sigma would be a masterful lens company to purchase from. But as you might already know, there are times when one needs to sacrifice something for another thing, like sacrificing full frame for something that’s likely to be slightly worse, but bein...

Leica vs Zeiss

They both have been making superior lenses with great optical quality, and Zeiss has come out with their first camera! But who will win out?! I think that each of the brands, or companies, has a chance at demolishing the other, but because the match is so close, they are likely to always prevail, for at least as long as we’re here anyways. But then there’s Sigma, Panasonic, etc...I think that Leica would be much better off with their prices the same as other brands, and would likely dominate the competition.

Panasonic Might Take Full Frame To Perfection with their Sigma/Leica partnership

I knew that it was going to happen, but despite that, I was still extremely “WOWed”. Panasonic might have only focused mainly on micro 4/3rds sensors over the past several years, however, the cameras they made, despite not being full frame (yet) were some of the best in my opinion: they made hybrid video/photo cameras that were near perfect, if not perfect. Even comparing to much larger sensors, Panasonic made micro 4/3rds a tantalizing choice for photographer, and videomakers alike! I essentially can’t wait for the full specifications and information to come about regarding the full frame world of Panasonic, Leica, and Sigma. Leica and Sigma lenses are among the best in the business. I don’t know if I’ll be able to afford a Leica after this partnership, but I sure know that I’ve been craving for a Sigma lens for a long time! Oh wait, Sigma is supposed to go Full Frame too!! Meanwhile, Sony jump in with about 12 new lenses. I was really set on buying a Fuji XT2, maybe even an XT3,...

It's been a long day today

Time has seemed to basically stand still today. How magical. Did a lot of stuff today, thought too much about too many things, had too many emotions at once, and I might have to go and reverse my problems soon by talking more with more people. Hopefully, it helps. I can’t wait for another change, whether it’s the weather, relationships, emotions, mood, or me finally purchasing something new.

I feel good

The most inspirational quote of all time: “Do Stuff”

Photokina 2018

I wonder what new cameras might be released tomorrow...Panasonic Full Frame, anyone?!
I don't know what to do tomorrow

Well, here's a difficult decision for me to make again

So I still haven’t bought a new camera this year like I wanted to. After doing extensive research, by basically analyzing numbers and letters and comparing them, my choice came down to two cameras so far: The Nikon D7500 and the Fuji XT2. The Nikon can be about 4 or more times as sensitive to light, but the Fuji does have 4k video that’s at least a little bit better, and I for my price point, I can obtain a lens with a quicker aperture than I can with the Nikon, albeit I like the Nikon for the fact that the native (Nikon) lenses are available for about the same price as the Fuji’s third party lenses. I could have better usability with the Nikon paired with a Nikon lens, than with the Fuji paired with a Rokinon 50mm/F1.2. The Fuji 56mm f/1.2 is certainly what I wanted, but I can’t go up that high on price. The lowlight, high ISO performance of the XT2 compared to that of the Nikon, is practically identical. The native ISO range is greater for the Nikon, while the Nikon is also heavier...

Motion sensors= a must!

Don't keep blaming Global Warming for relatively miniscule events!

Now... pretty much the first hurricane of the Atlantic this year has come onshore. And despite the fact that major devastation might have been caused, there are at least couple of facts to consider: 1) Florence was only a Category 1 upon landfall, and 2) This time of year is Hurricane season! Hurricanes often come onshore during hurricane season. So just because of these fact, there’s already evidence for climate changing? Quit exaggerating the statistics! Currently, at the time of writing, and for probably quite some time afterwards, the solar cycle=solar minimum; a maximum 1% influence on weather over a completely crazy solar cycle. Solar minimum has often, if not all of the time, coincided with a rise in severe weather. Interestingly enough, the 50’s and 80’s were times of amplified severe weather, at least in the United States.
Is it the end of hurricane season?

Yet another dream I had last night...?

4am: Sirens blaring in American cities, Trump comes out on a stage delivering a special message to news reporters: “Everyone stay calm, and go to work, for work is what the country’s about. The media is the enemy, and diversity is a plague to society.” Then a sublime, wavelike form moves through the Earth. In the most unnatural way, unexplained mysteries arise, and the mysteries, they aren’t observed, for one because they happen on New Years’ Eve at 12am, and for reason 2, the happenings are restricted to the most secluded crevices in the world. Like a ghost in a haunted building, these phenomenon are anamolous in every sense. And they are a place and time when attention will be diverted... the last few sentences=the thoughts that were going in my head, not the actual dream. truly strange for any kind of dream, isn’t it?
What does last night’s dream mean, when the master of mental wars calls out from a megaphone out to the world in general, saying “You will all awaken tomorrow, speaking English”?! What does it mean when said, “no other language will be left to be remembered except for english”, and when Israealis attack Palestinians?!
What does that dream mean, when Trump's got a hitler-like mustache, and all of his facial expressions, even if he didn't have the mustache, match the look of hitler's?!

Guy gets wrong number from girl he tried to contact, ends up making a socially feminist gang

There's racism, sexism, but how about name-ism?!:
Why have many of you become anonymous in regards to my statistics page?!
I wish that there was something to make me forget everything, about how messed up things have seemingly been. I don’t want to fall into a trance, because it could be the opposite of what’s expected. And I don’t want to think about shifting, or going to, other realities or dimensions but because of my creativity, I desire such an explanation for stuff. Somethings that I want to write about are off of the beaten path.
This is one of the most unexplainable, and yet indescribable feelings that I’ve ever had! I can’t come to terms with these feelings. It’s like the opposite of empathy, know what I mean? The world lacks any empathy, when all it does is stay perpetually out of my reach. I don’t know where it comes from, though I’ve been having an excessive urge for the unknown, or at least that’s the best way for me to describe it. Makes me want to go crazy, knowing that I can’t explain it to all of you, at least not in a way that makes sense. I feel like I've been murdered sometimes...when I look at certain things or if I get an emotional outburst, I feel like I'm gone for good. Know what I mean? My unconscious emotions have been eseentially a portal to another dimension, and yet there are many unexplained, unimaginable things in life that I’ve not yet experienced. But at the foundation of it all, I’ve discovered that even though things can be bad in life, even though it might not make any s...
What if somehow nighttime was warm and daytime was cool, while (despite) at the same time, the Earth’s north pole centered at a 90 degree angle to the sun? Or what if everything stayed the same, but with winters and autumns warming up while summers and springs cooling down, to an exact extent, so that the temperature was more or less the same (within ten degrees or so Fahnrenheit) while the nighttime and daytime temperatures might be exactly the same? What if it was cold on Earth, for example, 0 degrees Fahrenheit, but the sun was 10 times as bright but still the same size as our current sun? What about perpetual nighttime with high temperatures? What if the day and night lasted only minutes, but the gravity was so immense that nothing flew away? What if, while either day and night lasted extremely quickly or extremely slowly, relatively speaking, at the same time, we could try to modify it and cause totally unexpected results? I mean, what would the results exactly be?

Blue Ocean Event Coming?!
It’s been awhile since anything major has happened in the world...perhaps the world is in a state of confusion, or perhaps only in a state of silence... I once had a native american professor who told me about the times when things would fall in his house and soon after he’d check the national Earthquake database and find out about an earthquake all of the way in Alaska! He’s from Michigan however.
I really miss writing and thinking deeply about vibrations, frequencies, fields, energy, and all of the other stuff like that...

The LHC conspiracy and what I think about it

I don't think this we can summon anything, but we can essentially "create god", but perhaps not via the LHC. However, what you might need to keep in mind, is that the LHC is a great inspiration to achieving such a feat. First of all, the LHC can create subatomic conditions that don’t happen in our everyday lives, and at least some of which are probably rarely ever found in the Universe. The best that we can do is probably in the form of subatomic assembly, for example, 3d printing individual subatomic particles or depositing them into perfectly precise formations. Keep in mind that such a process could be extremely time consuming, given the fact that subatomic particles are so small. But, theoretically, we could use quarks or perhaps even larger particles to create perfect replicas of brains, neurons, and maybe even replicate extremely exotic states at the macro scale. Such exotic conditions on Earth can only exist in labs at the time of this writing, and in extremel...

Give me a perfect camera already...quite leapfrogging!

The new XT3 by Fuji is interesting...4k video, 26 megapixels, etc. Finally, the BSI technology has been combined with the lack of the need of an AA filter! Sounds exciting, but just like just about every camera that came before, it’s merely a leap past the previous version or another camera brand’s model. I finally want to see all of the aspects of cameras from all brands to come together. Give me a camera w/6k photo, built in ND filters, faster optics, 14 fps DNG RAW, 5 axis IBIS, and of course, AA-filter-less and BSI sensor, f-log and mechanical shutter w/4k 60p. Also, don’t make it larger than the a Sony A7 or Fuji XT2. Otherwise, make it heavy so that it can be stable...and other stuff I probably forgot to mention...
I hate large cities like New York, or even Detroit; they are like the death of me! Makes me feel like being tortured...literally, and seriously!

Pentax will come next!

Pentax, I think, will very likely be the next mirrorless compact! Either micro 4/3, APS-C or full frame in an exceptionally small package! I'd love to have a camera with all of the specs of the K70, but with Full Frame, full sensor readout 4k, maybe even 4k HDR (at 60fps), Super resolution using eight images to create a RAW result, 5-axis stabilization.