Well, here's a difficult decision for me to make again

So I still haven’t bought a new camera this year like I wanted to. After doing extensive research, by basically analyzing numbers and letters and comparing them, my choice came down to two cameras so far: The Nikon D7500 and the Fuji XT2. The Nikon can be about 4 or more times as sensitive to light, but the Fuji does have 4k video that’s at least a little bit better, and I for my price point, I can obtain a lens with a quicker aperture than I can with the Nikon, albeit I like the Nikon for the fact that the native (Nikon) lenses are available for about the same price as the Fuji’s third party lenses. I could have better usability with the Nikon paired with a Nikon lens, than with the Fuji paired with a Rokinon 50mm/F1.2. The Fuji 56mm f/1.2 is certainly what I wanted, but I can’t go up that high on price. The lowlight, high ISO performance of the XT2 compared to that of the Nikon, is practically identical. The native ISO range is greater for the Nikon, while the Nikon is also heavier and larger, with a deeper grip; all of those, except for size, are benefits as far as I know, because if the lens can be significantly lighter than the camera alone, then that can make the system more stable; so sensor size and image stabilization options aren’t the only factors or aspects to consider when thinking about image stability.


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