Yet another dream I had last night...?
4am: Sirens blaring in American cities, Trump comes out on a
delivering a special message to news reporters: “Everyone
stay calm, and go to work, for work is what the country’s about.
The media is the enemy, and diversity is a plague to society.” Then
a sublime, wavelike form moves through the Earth. In the
most unnatural way, unexplained mysteries arise, and the
mysteries, they aren’t observed, for one because they happen on
New Years’ Eve at 12am, and for reason 2, the happenings are
restricted to the most secluded crevices in the world. Like a
ghost in a haunted building, these phenomenon are anamolous
in every sense. And they are a place and time when attention will
be diverted... the last few sentences=the thoughts that were
going in my head, not the actual dream. truly strange for any kind of dream, isn’t it?
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