Panasonic Might Take Full Frame To Perfection with their Sigma/Leica partnership

I knew that it was going to happen, but despite that, I was still extremely “WOWed”. Panasonic might have only focused mainly on micro 4/3rds sensors over the past several years, however, the cameras they made, despite not being full frame (yet) were some of the best in my opinion: they made hybrid video/photo cameras that were near perfect, if not perfect. Even comparing to much larger sensors, Panasonic made micro 4/3rds a tantalizing choice for photographer, and videomakers alike! I essentially can’t wait for the full specifications and information to come about regarding the full frame world of Panasonic, Leica, and Sigma. Leica and Sigma lenses are among the best in the business. I don’t know if I’ll be able to afford a Leica after this partnership, but I sure know that I’ve been craving for a Sigma lens for a long time! Oh wait, Sigma is supposed to go Full Frame too!! Meanwhile, Sony jump in with about 12 new lenses. I was really set on buying a Fuji XT2, maybe even an XT3, but then they essentially hit me with the “good” stuff, notice the word good in quotes, because we don’t know yet just how “good” the system is. Weather sealing a must! Remember when I wrote “Motion sensors a must”?!


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