
Showing posts from August, 2019

Hurricane Dorian is at Category 5

It's about 11:30 PM and I read that Dorian has become a Category 5 Hurricane. Meanwhile I'm tired and weary as anyone's craziest imagination, feel like someone coming off of two liters of coffee and who's been awoke for no one knows how long! I've been in love with science and the paranormal. I wonder if anyone's going to notice the real problem with the hurricane?

Infrared light, and the range of light beyond the Electromagnetic Spectrum

For such a long time, there's been speculation that there could be at least one extra spatial dimension, except for time. Gravitational waves could change that: because what we think of as the "fourth dimension" could actually be the third dimension seen in a light that could reveal an entire new aspect on reality. But gravitational waves are like the riffs in dried up mud, and we are essentially in the mud, trying to study things that can be too futuristic for us but still detectable by modern technology! Radio waves are generally thought of as the end of the electromagnetic spectrum, at about one kilometer or one and a half miles long, but true electromagnetic radiation is composed of even longer wavelengths, those emitted by electronic devices. Then there are gravitational waves, which we have uncovered, and might actually use more practically for astronomy some day. In theory, humans can't even see Infrared light, but if you create Infrared glasses in a way as to ...

A treasure trove of information contained in unexpected topics

I can't tolerate so much wrong stuff of this world. It's like I come from another universe, in which everything was perfect, or nearly so. I've been gaining insight by listening and reading about unexplained and alternative stuff, including time travel, paranormal, 4th dimension, etc. There's so much to learn about such things, it's like trying to become a physicist. I learned in life that even things that are considered minor learning curves, such as photography, can offer enough questions that there can always be something learned about them, and the learning only stops if you want it to: and that's what's wonderful. If we don't learn everything, and if we always think before saying something, then we aren't allowing the evolution of knowledge and experience to take place!!!

I can't endure the night but what can we do?!

During the daylight, the sun warms up the lands to create major storms and beautiful things can happen: but during the night, occultists & deep web criminals come out, and I just don't like the night time when the lights of nature are off. Lack of light makes me dreadful, but when the sun shines, I know that there's always a potential for that light to pretty much turn off in a second's notice!!! I just don't get it, there's something far greater than me, I wanted to think that I'm from another universe, and nothing ever gets solved.

Future prediction for today

Major disaster in alabama today, Unexplained video from Connecticut, Major car crash involving a white pickup & orange SUV in Michigan- all on August 31, 2019. This post written @ 2:09 AM


The title of this post is also that of a song that has brought me comfort in this boring and emotionally intense life of mine!

Something far greater than me makes me suffer in life

As someone who's had an incredible amount, or level, of hormones, I have literally lived a life that equates to a horror movie. For example, being at a very populated area was literally a curse, because I'd too often see too many pretty people, who I wanted to see or have a relations with: and often, I lost sight of them too quickly, to immediately realize that I'd never see them. And the urge to at least see what they looked like what so great, you really can't imagine this stuff. Inside of me, I broke down, and realized that beauty is deadly because of the way it can influence emotions, to the point of wanting to be dead rather than alive, to no longer endure this existence. I'm still trying to cope with the past, it's seriously better to not have been born in the first place- or at least that's what I've been thinking. And upon breaking down, I wanted to die, because I realized how much stuff-music, movies, & experiences- that I'd be missing o...

There's nothing wrong with being a Vegan

Veganism might at first seem like the wrong choice to make in our everyday lives, but so many non vegans are ignorant and don't care about where they're products come from, or what the conditions at the source industries (where animal products come from) are like (just like many other things people don't care at all for). So, essentially, many people care not at all about what animals have to endure for their own pleasure. Veganism has it's nutritional benefits, and Vegans are less likely overall to suffer from major heart conditions. I mean, you might argue that some people's systems aren't adapted to being Vegan, but remember, it's the human species that is smart enough to adapt in various ways to various things. After all, humans have come up with ways to allow paralyzed people to walk again, to extend lifespans, to allow people without legs to walk again, and you get the idea. If we can adapt to, for example, various climates, then we can also adapt to a...

It's been going on for too long

There has been so much time when nothing is happening in life, when life is mundane and boring to the fullest extent, calm and relatively silent: and I need something to fill in that void of nothingness

A cooled camera with Large sensor and extremely large aperture?

I've been wanting a Medium Format digital camera, one that also can accept large aperture lenses. For medium format, a lens that could be equivalent to a 50mm Full Frame lens would be great, and if it could actually have an extremely large aperture, and honestly it should be able to achieve the sweet spot below F/1.0! No coma, aberration, vignette, or distortion at such a large aperture as well! We're likely not even close in time for such a thought to become reality, though. I want to be able to press the camera's shutter button and within a fraction of a second, be able to obtain a noise-free image of the Milky Way galaxy, not have to wait for as long as is necessary currently. Which is approximately ISO 3200 at twenty seconds-and the noise is unacceptable for me most of the time. With an enormous sensor like what's in a Pentax 645Z, powerful light-gathering optics, an extreme cooling system for the camera, and the newest sensor technology, ISO 3200 could probably get...

The unsolved mystery of nostalgia

Think about the time when you've been having great memories, and you realize all of a sudden that this is the time that you won't be able to return to, and you realize that it's ending to make way for a very undesirable time. But then all of a sudden, as it's about to end, you've realized that there might still be hope, if there's time . I felt this same way listening to: "If there's time", a song by Odesza!
I have been interested in so much things, but it's unusually temporary and shirt-lived. I can't hold on to happiness for long time, and sometimes it's better to die.

Why I can't write how I set out to write

Wow, I really would probably like to write more happily and with great feeling, but can't because that's not how things are in my life, they're sad and depressing all too often
Sometimes i want to die

New upcoming technology can unleash unimaginable creative potential

I was thinking about technology, specifically with so many mirrorless and SLR cameras being announced recently, and such a varied selection of features, each with importance of their own, think if one of the camera brands released even a slightly improved design! Or how about this: a fully waterproof, heatproof, freezeproof, shockproof, and dust proof full frame mirrorless with oversampled DCI 4k with all at full width of the sensor using no pixel-binning or line-skipping, and using all lossless codec that technology can deliver. I'd love it: Use a device such as a tablet or smartphone to control it remotely using an extended range of several miles, take that incredible machine out into tornadoes, rainstorms, make time lapses worth many hours during subzero weather or extreme heat waves!!! What kind of a world, what kinds of possibilities, are we getting ourselves into with so many innovations coming to the technological age?! It will very likely come to a level of technological ad...

I became dizzy

All of the reading about new technology has made me extremely dizzy. Think about it: cinema-grade recording in a tiny mirrorless camera the size of a Sony APS-C, RAW recording in the Panasonic S1H, BIG MONEY, and "what else was there?!"
Nothing to do here, I'm not a member of any secret Facebook groups!
What do those do, who realize that they've missed nostalgic events in the past that they could've felt nostalgic about?!
It never came to my mind before that I could miss such incredible music from the past, an age where memories are made.

Telepathy for real

No one knows what comes after this rain

First of all, I have received my package from UPS, my camera to telescope adapter, and now the great days of rain must pass, and I'll be able to put it to use. My second order of the week did eventually become accepted, and shipped! Now on to find a place to work, to be able to afford more stuff! Yes, it started raining after weeks of dry weather and it felt great but now we don't know what comes after the rain: is it going to feel like November? Is another dry streak coming? Heat wave? Clear skies? Whatever it is, I'm almost certain that there'll be cloud breaks at night to use my camera mounted to my telescope, especially almost at the end of the first week of September.

The surprising, possible link between occultism and storms

Why is the sulfur-like smell caused by occult practice/rituals the same as that of tornadic storms?!
Would be nice to be able to say pretty much anything in public. I tried it before and I've been condemned by my peers and others. Stupid, but unavoidable it seems

A nighttime thought that changed my perspective on life

I've written before that night time is the time, especially late night, when I get the most creative thoughts. One night, as I was laying in bed, I was wondering about a great basin or body of water that, if it existed, would be about the size of the Caspian Sea, very shallow and hot, as in 100 or more degrees. But then I extended my imagination, and decided in my mind that to the north of the basin was a great flat land, hundreds of square miles of nothing but perfectly flat and very smooth land, as smooth as a polished surface, with approximately twenty lakes, each about the size of Lake Erie. Each of the lakes was very deep and contained water with an average temperature of about 40 degrees. I tried to picture a great surge of air coming across the basin and going north, eventually coming across the several smaller lakes and tried to imagine what exactly would happen, weather-wise, and how complex all of the parameters would need to be, trying to basically calculate in my mind h...

I almost lost my mind when reading about North Korea

So it appears that I read about a new missile test from North Korea, and after reading about it, I immediately lost my mind, as I was then thinking about something important, as in life-or-death. For some reason, I totally forgot what I was thinking, and I was panicking. So in this world, where one like me writhes in psychological pain and often wants to die, there's also the threat of war as someone might be developing doomsday weapons?! I mean seriously, like give us all a break.

When I feel best

I might feel best when the weather is 42 degrees, 10 percent or less humidity, windy every five minutes or about there, and when the air is ionized to a specific degree, with the sun being about 3.2 times as bright as it normally is: it's a glitch in the system, this entire system!
Can't help except to wonder if history will repeat itself: for example, if a single given week of the past will ever happen again, exactly as it did, bringing with it exact emotions and memories back!!! Either way, you might not be able to go back in time

A missing span of time from my life has been making me wonder persistently

Over the course of my earliest years in life, I experienced vivid and powerful memories developing, those of which are still mystifying as to how they've made me feel when thinking about them!!! The music by Odesza has even been around in early 2013: Wow, I had no idea about it before!!! It wasn't until 2019 that I found out about it, and in fact I have almost no memories from that period of time!!! It really has made me wonder what other incredibly emotional things I've missed during my life. If I had known about and experienced such events as soon as they became available, it might have made me live a different life perhaps: Thinking about this stuff can instill an extreme sense of wonder, and make one question if there is something more to life than what can be seen directly!!!

I want to to see invisible worlds and have no one see my identity

It'd be nice to have glasses that transmit only light that is invisible to us, allowing either UV, IR, or both at the same time, and to become accustomed until you can eventually see the invisible light using the glasses. I read about something like that once, where someone did supposedly try it out using DIY Infrared glasses

What the meaning behind my life is

Life can be summed up by this quote: "Too little, too late"
Looks like another boring week of my life coming up, with literally nothing to do: I need to make lots of plans just to have a little happiness during that time, while being considered a piece of nothing to everyone
I've been thinking about stuff that so many people don't accept of, or that they might find unusual, such as the habits that I've been taking on during my hobbies. I like to get too technical about technology, and I've been feeling awkward about letting other people know, and the same for having equipment with me. I'm not a materialist.

I feel like I have no friends left

To be honest, I feel like I'm bored and without any friends left. I don't learn anything from life, I don't gain anything positive from my experiences, and I've been taught by distorted minds, who've tried to convince me that life should only be about focusing on the positives. I've frequently been thinking about how boring and mundane it is inside and out, and I want to die. I've been having serious trouble for a long time, regarding work, and my friends and family probably think that I'm a lazy bum. I've been hated on, despised, and everyone would probably wipe me off of the face of the Earth as soon as they could get the chance: in fact, it's very likely that if they had that chance, no matter what they were up to, that's the first thing that they'd do. But on the other hand, hanging out with friends is no better than hanging with family, because I don't share the same interests and views as them. I feel like a fucking outcast who ...

At least one person is stupid

There are various sides to the various discussions, whether they're politics are climate, and sorry but, keeping this in mind, someone has to be stupid out there!!!

When many things might become unimportant to all of us

You might have been taught that many various things are wrong, but it's our species that doesn't last indefinitely, so I've been wondering if it's even important to put so much emphasis on what's wrong, since the end of the human species then, in the future, puts and end to all of the wrong stuff, since it no longer becomes important.

The human race can't last without limits after all

Why do we care so much when it's our lives as well as the entire human race that eventually doesn't last all of the time, everything that we put importance on as though it were to last without end, but nothing lasts without end after all. Also after all, so many kids might very likely be taught that specific things are wrong, or that video games (for example) can induce violence. ; but why care if they only have one life, and why even care about our future generations, if they themselves won't last indefinitely. For goodness sake, the human species in its entirety probably won't last without end. And as for climate change, the human race, after all, can't live without placing limits in place; that's how it works. There's no question about it.

I took over 1,500 photos during a single day

I was thinking about going ahead and making a time lapse from the photos, but I'm not processing all of those files, it would take about 24 hours or maybe more, just to open them, which is what I tried but had to restart my laptop. So another full day of waiting, either that or I could sift through all of those files, and in the meantime I don't have anything such as Photoshop Lightroom so that I can find images easily or quickly by rating. So, out of over 1,500 photos, only about six of them were of use to me. So, 1,500 or more photos have been made practically for no reason, but will not be used up. I have considered before to take a class in astrophotography or time lapse to figure out how to most efficiently make use of thousands of photos and quickly compile them into time lapses. What's been sad to me, is that I can't simply set my camera to record and record for hours before creating a time lapse video from the original video. I'd need either the dedicated Fu...

I might have also recorded something else of interest the night of August 22

I took over 1,500 photos during a single session of time, from 10:44PM to 11:11PM on August 22, 2019, and each was a two second exposure at ISO 1250. That's how I captured the unexplained object seeming to explode, but I might have also caught something else of interest. I better get better software to compile all of the data together into a time lapse!
I feel lonely much. I've been in the search for 4k monitor, and 4k video editor for doing neat video. But once again, it seems that I might rarely use those things. It seems much that nothing can ever get done here and now and that I should probably place my hobbies aside for an indefinite amount of time. I tried to open hundreds and hundreds of photos in my Photoshop Elements 15 program and it's been taking overnight and over the course of most of the day to open all of them, not even to make them into another format. I don't mean to complain so much, but it's so true.

What my region of the world looks like from space right now

On the 22nd of August, an impressive 18 inches of hail supposedly fell in some of Michigan from a slow moving storm! The 23rd of August was the first true cold front of the summer, and this is how it looked like from space: We can see that, land will likely cool down, and water warm up during the day, resulting in an equilibrium-like state, where the temperatures of land versus water are more or less the same at least for a short time

A passion for interesting stuff

I've had the urge to be a paranormal investigator and UFOlogist simultaneously. What would it be like?!
I don't know what the fuck I want to do, everything I've been doing is "wrong"

Strange data on video This video=an example of a situation where megapixels and a great lens are important, because we could then see the object with greater resolution
When people don't respond to me, I feel like being dead!!!
Sometimes the positives that people have been writing have helped me, but these days they work like made in China

The past times of my life

I've been thinking, and missing, the times of the past, when I once spent time thinking about good stuff, about alternative thoughts (like lots of germans being interested in out of body experiences), as well as before I was where I wasn't supposed to be both in terms of state of mind and physically. I remember still, the time when I was accused of so much, when people were nicer to me, when I could freely think about whatever the fuck I wanted, as well as being in a better situation. I remember receiving lots of happiness from interesting thoughts that don't come to me anymore, a time of finding out many interesting things and when I was full of ideas that I might've at the time accomplished because of no monetary restraints: and yet it's today, a time of situations that I never in my craziest thoughts or nightmares thought would ever become real. I've been beaten up psychologically so much, don't have any incentive to be a nice person or to directly (or in...
I have very often said stupid stuff that doesn't make sense and that is both irrelevant and out of context, in every sense. But having too much of this life is something that has also often been on my mind, and I often don't feel like life is worth anything

I can't tell many people what I truly feel in my mind

There are many, maybe all, people, who I can't talk to about my true feelings and emotions, because I know really well what consequences they can bring, especially if I could tell anyone that death often seems better than living

I'm tired of selling my life to people who are bastards

I don't want to relate to this world

Tonight I don't want anything that belongs to this world- the people, the things...


My mind has been hurt by trauma and I don't feel like it anymore

Sometimes the extremities can go numb, and when you try to get up, it can hurt and tingle more than imagination. But for me, it's all in the mind, because my mind has also been hurt. Practically permanent brain damage for me, in the form of trauma caused by other people

Nothing's getting better

This Earth, my life, nothing's getting better about anything
I can never relax, the situations have overtaken me

My hope for the new Fujifilm camera

The Fuji XH2 is likely a possible camera at or near the end of 2019: I wanted specific specification from such a camera, including 6k DCI video at 60fps (but if it becomes reality, it'll most likely be only 30fps) for up to 60 minutes, 15 fps RAW buffer, but no full frame sensor

Why is everyone scared of helping me?!

Why doesn't anyone have the audacity or courage to stand up for me when I've been mistreated and/or ignored?! This world of onlookers, I don't tolerate. Someone should send me help. I don't need to want to die as things escalate.

The great experience

I want to listen to ambient music and be under the starry night sky, and have the cold night never end, as I slowly fade away from existence. But I still thought about the people who've let me down and who've mistreated me

I might need to sell lots of my equipment to afford any astrophotography at home

At least one of my camera lenses, and some other expensive stuff of mine might need to be sold if I want to pursue my interests further. It's been tough. My camera doesn't record for more than about 10 minutes unless it had a special power booster, worth about $300+. And the Fuji X-H1 has been on sale, would like to exchange my current camera for one, but it's probably not an option.

I've never tried this technique for astrophotography, and never seen anyone do it before

A 1.25" red filter and polarizer might be a great idea for my astrophotography, the main subject being the moon, and maybe some planetary photography. If you don't know yet, I thought about observing the moon recently, and I've ordered a special adapter to be able to mount my camera to a telescope. But any filter, especially a Red+CPL combined, can reduce the amount of light entering the camera's sensor dramatically. It might be a little problem when photographing the moon, but even more so when photographing any planets. And by "photographing", I also had high resolution UHD video in mind, and I'm afraid that the light loss by the filters means that the ISO might need to increased beyond the camera's base ISO. But the reason for using such filters is to achieve better contrast, clarity, the effect being fairly prominent when trying to photograph through a sky full of high humidity levels, or simply a hazy sky. If anything of interest gets recorded, i...

Repetition has plagued my life

For me it's always the same situation: the same places, the same time, everything!!! That's what I can't tolerate, my mind can't tolerate it. Always living in the same old place, going to the same old places over and over and having the same conversations and conflicts time after time, etc.
I want to cover the entire surface of the Earth in black color, paint everything black, use only heat-absorbing materials

Back in my day

In my past, I listened to Imagine Dragons!!!

Investigating the investigations

Think for at least a little time, about paranormal investigators, and look (realize) at how terrifying the United States is overall, in some terms: think about the amount of occultists here in this nation. Now, imagine all of the abandoned places and expanses of urban jungles. This is not meant as a joke: If, for example, an alien race landed, and happened to land in the United States, the race would soon become more terrified than we would of them, not scared of us, but merely of the structures and intricate urban jungles that exist here, in the United States. Think about the terrifying faces of many americans, too: they are reminiscent of ancient Vikings, yet what they don't do in shear force or physical brutality, they achieve merely in terror using other ways.

I have nothing to do here

The justice department, apparently, has American Airlines pay millions of dollars for mail delivery times. In the meantime, I ordered a package!!! It probably has nothing to do with Americans, though. Humans are not normal creatures; I was at an airport and all of the seats were leather, as well as the seats on the aircraft. I might not be vegan, but that's only because it's next to impossible in this world. You know, one day there's a guy's birthday, and the next day, you don't know what's what and where you're really at. I diverged, but apart from veganism there's also philosophy, and I'm honestly averted. I've got the great imagination, but aversion keeps me from so much stuff. And it's the aversion that has me suffering in life: I can't convey it, can't explain it- in other words, a failure.

I don't like this world

I don't like any of the ideas of people, I don't like any of the places of this world, I like virtually nothing of this world. All of the ideologies, religions, etc. that people have taught is simply wrong, except maybe philosophy

I don't know if life's worth living

Sometimes, it seems as if life isn't worth the price. You might have so many memories of being happy or enjoying life, but in the end, all of this might, overall, end up as pointless; that's my life. For every enjoyable time of life, there's an equally (perhaps greater) bad time of life. But you need to be fair and just to everyone, too. For me personally, I've been concerned so much about this type of problem, and that there are experiences that I've yet to have, that I need.  But, I'm certain, no type of experience convinces me that it's different. This usual type of stuff that people might be thinking isn't helping, this over positive, skewed, perspective that people usually have on life, one that only makes life dreadful, knowing how it all really is.
I hope that someone can bring me revival to my life, some cool stuff, etc.
I've been possessed by an occultist at a store

Afraid that astronomy's too expensive of a hobby

Astronomy can easily be expensive. And though I wanted to capture some video of strange objects that I witnessed, that's probably all I'd ever use a telescope for. I'd need to spend over $1,000 to achieve the astrophotography that I wanted to achieve
Soundcore Anker Liberty Air, the headphones that are ideal for me
I have wanted to obtain adapter for my camera to take photos and video and see what telescope can see. I'd like to have at least 1200mm or longer focal length of telescope though, so might end up getting a new one, in a different design

New ideas wanted

Need a RedCat 51 by Willy Optics

Maybe instead of my current telescope and/or tele lens, i could mount a Redcat onto the camera of mine! I can sell my telescope for at least $100. I've been wanting the Redcat 51 Master for its portability and great image quality. And ideally, sometime in the future, a wide field imaging OTA with an incredibly resolute cam, such as a Fuji GFX100 but with extremely fast continuous mode with a buffer capable of thousands of RAW photos in succession. And add to that, 16k video mode that i can record in slow motion to catch fast moving objects with extreme levels of detail. It's not actual magnification that's of most interest, but actually having as much total resolving power as possible in terms of both pixels as well as optical quality. Also important in astrophotography is light gathering ability, in terms of both sensor size and scope diameter. Taking savings one step at a time might be my main focus these days, otherwise i can visit my local observatory once in a while an...

Because of Andres Arato

Andres Arato, because of him, i want to explore the world's people

A Terrifying truth about my recent life

I've been getting totally random thoughts come to me abruptly, usually right before sleep or before doing something important, and such thoughts have been extremely important, but within a few seconds, I'd forget about them. The thoughts were ones that I needed to remember as quickly as possible, but they weren't coming back to mind. "so what is my resort?" I'd constantly think to myself. It's exactly like not feeling pain at all, getting an injury that's fatal, doesn't kill you at first, but you soon forget about where it's at, and the next thing you know, the mind needs to strain with incredible power to recall where the pain is. But in this example, the thought practically doesn't have a location that you can find, you can just keep trying to recall it, and in the meantime, it is the forgotten thought that you know very well is of life-saving importance. Because of this shit happening to me, I sometimes think twice about all of this bein...
Weather forecasts for today, a slight risk of severe weather here in the Northern region of the United States in Michigan, right in between the great lakes. Sounds like a time to get the drone working, isn't it?

I never get any answers for my life

I've been feeling awkward with my friends, to the level where it's traumatic. I don't do the things that I could be doing. I've been finding it difficult to sleep because it's all wrong in some ways. I wanted answers, that's why I needed people, and I never got the answers for any of this. I'm to the level where I don't like anything, even though I'm not depressed. But you know, depression is along with mental instability, always must be an excuse that other people have been using, for my bad feelings. People tempted to use mental health issues as reasons for my state of mind, and my situation, but I know full well over years that it's not mentality that drives this situation of mine. In fact, it's my mentality that changed, but it changed for a reason, in response to a bad situation in life, so that I can avoid what's wrong and not get myself in deep. I can't live a different life for the time being though, I'm just " a noth...

Need more camera gear

I've been feeling that I might need to get an adaptor for my camera, so that I can mount a lens on it from another brand such as Sony. Canon lenses are probably the nicest, followed closely by Leica mirrorless, which is followed very closely by Sony E Mount (Full Frame) as well as Nikon. Can't have either a great camera body, or the greatest of lenses, but it's difficult, if not impossible, to have both, at least if they're mirrorless lenses. That's one reason for why I miss DSLR camera lenses, but they're also heavier and/or larger. I'd like a 35 to 100mm lens, with a constant aperture of F/1. Or, a 35mm/F0.6 for the Fuji X mount. And I also have been wanting a telescope adaptor, to enable my camera to be mounted to a telescope, however, my Fuji XT2, as expensive as it was, doesn't excel much at video. Sure, it's got the ability to achieve 4k video at 30 fps, but no DCI, relatively poor color encoding, and only 8-bit. I've been looking at a larg...
Why do great things when there are constantly an equal amount of bad things happening

The Bills can stack up quickly

A rundown: Pandora Music Streaming Service- From $5.99/Mth, or Apple Music (iTunes): $9.99/month   Wordpress Premium- Starting at $8/Month  Flickr Pro Account- Starts at $4.17/Month  Hulu  J.Cristina forums: $5/month  Youtube Premium: $11.99/ Month  Adobe CC: $19.99/Month I'd like some help in deciding which of these services to add to purchase, or which ones to forget about. For example, iTunes might not be practical for me if I could purchase individual songs instead; but on the positive side of iTunes purchase, I could stroll through many new songs and have my own playlist. So far, I'd really like to have Youtube Premium, iTunes, as well as Wordpress Premium (or $25 per month for a Business Plan if I'd want to try and profit from my posts). So these are about my most wanted and, in my opinion, most important services to subscribe to. I think that it'd be a neat experience to do stargazing through my telescope while having all of these se...
After reading about what's been happening on this world, I concluded that something bad's happening, and it's people themselves. I have thought to myself that I don't want to be a part of this, to any extent.

Never lived succesfully,

I never lived for success, because success is an illusion and my life is what everyone thinks of as a piece of shit that doesn't bring any benefit to anything, it's boring and practically nonexistent!!! People have been enjoying themselves from thinking these things about me, too. I could never live successfully, even though life was trying to convince me otherwise.
I got to excel at typing when some of my fingers were numb and circulation didn't get there. You have to become more resilient at various things, because you never know what'll happen.
something bad is happening, and I don't want to be part of it.

Major storm in United States on August 21 and 22, 2019

A major storm system is likely to sweep past the upper United States on August 21st & 22nd, 2019, moving south to north, across the states of Wisonsin and Michigan then north of those states

Home is the best

When online, for example-in a chat forum- I like to stay on the "home" area, because I like to be home!!!

All of them

No one will ever stop!!! And neither will I

The best stuff on the internet is also sad

Some of the best stuff on the internet has been written in poor grammar and style. Sad yes, but also, true !

Do you wonder what our children are going to do?

What's this? Ever wonder? I sure did lots of times! I'm not a maniac or anything like that, but after struggling, I became aversive and I downright suffer on a daily basis because of it. Aversive to technology and many things in general, because I know that they can be a cause for bad stuff too: Electronics and electricity and all of that entire jazz festival of advancements are perhaps better than coal and oil, as well as nuclear, but I'm not satisfied even with green energy. We need something even better, something that doesn't have with it the potential for misuse. The production of Electric cars, for example, is more or less equal to gas and/or diesel, because to produce an electric car actually can produce a great amount of Carbon. I digressed slightly, I get it. But even solar energy is not the answer. What is it? Ever wonder? Yeah there's also fusion, which is the Sun's method of producing energy. Because as you might realize, it's energy itself that...

You don't need to do it?

Tempted? You don't need to do it! Take for example, being lost in the middle of a large, perhaps even congested, foreign country where you don't speak the native language and have no cell phone, and you might see where I'm going, in other words, basically doom and gloom. But wait! You don't need to be in such a scenario to know how bad things are: you only would need to come into an alternate state of mind, or if you're like me, becoming lost in your own mind!!! I once thought about very bad stuff, like sex, now I'm lost and don't actually know if finding myself is a good idea!

What's boring in life might not be what you might expect

Science, religion, and overall mainstream thinking is boring- at least most of the time. It would be so refreshing to have an alternative hub where one could go to discuss this stuff, if there was an another way of looking at all things, and this way would most likely cause relief to all of us who are at least in one way or another smart and like-minded, wouldn't it? I don't think on a general basis or every day that, everything is based on equations and that reality is subjective. Instead, it's our own thought processes that essentially create this reality. For example: if science never came into existence, everything, if not most, might remain superstition. Superstition could be just as real and true as science, because it is science itself that perhaps might be making all of the supernatural aspects and stuff of this world become rational entities. It can be likened to the double-slit experiment, but in this case, it's matter that's composed of the waves and/or p...

Thoughts can make one tired

I'm tired of thinking, especially about of all of the ways that I could benefit in various ways and get around so much stuff. Isn't that how it is for so many of us?!

Is it okay for me to use your wifi?!

I lost followers on my blog, and I'd like to resort to measures, that's all; can I?

The true quote about the world that I see on a daily basis

The world that I constantly see, is practically a blank slate that never changes
Tomorrow is the best time to view the meteor show. I have planned to get together with a friend to watch them and to take many photos and video, one camera for each!

Conflicting passions of mine

I've got another interesting passion that has started to get strong, and it's astronomy; I've been wanting a huge telescope and other astronomical gear, but I've already invested into my other passion, which is photography, and it really has taken a drain from my hopes to get into my astronomical endeavors. I already have part of what it takes, but I'd like much better, for astronomy, such as a much larger telescope and a specialized, dedicated, camera for doing Astro videos. I've also been passionate about art in general, as well as science, and other topics, but I've mainly put them aside, because one can't fully invest in everything that he or she is interested, or passionate, about. You might also say that teens are the most passionate people in the world, but they have been generally passionate about unhealthy and immoral things , in my opinion, such as sex, drugs, & violence. So you tell me, better to be able to have access to generally unheal...

Higher resolution displays; resolution is only part of the equation

High resolution TVs are really nice, but getting a high resolution camera to record videos for display on a high resolution can be tricky, because to achieve perfect image quality, resolution is only a part of the equation. There is also Codec, compression, as well as other stuff. just letting you know.

Revolutionizing eyesight

In light of recent technological advancements, particularly that which involves humans connecting with robots, or the mind interface as it relates to technology, I have thought that maybe one day it's likely that human vision might evolve might quicker. For example, it's not just gaining new ways of vision that's exciting, such as thermal vision or being able to see WIFI signals; surprisingly, perhaps equally as exciting would be for eyesight to become revolutionized , albeit it might also require the brain to be changed in advanced ways. An example of revolutionizing eyesight might be enabling the visual cortex to process faster than what it already does, allowing us to take in more information at once, so instead of processing only about thirty stimuli per second, the number could increase to, say, three thousand stimulus per second; think of this as frame rates of a camera, in which cameras might be able to record thirty frames per second, while more advanced, slow motio...
Have you gotten a chance to look at the Nexpo channel on YouTube? Still For transvestite weed
Hi. I wanted to tell you about something perhaps very important, but instead, I found this:

Pixels are overrated

Color depth and dynamic range should probably be of the most importance in cameras these days, not megapixel count. I don't want, for example, a 100 megapixel full framer that can do one hundred frames per second continuous shooting in RAW, and one million autofocus points, etc.-such aspects are fine, but if it comes with the tradeoff of color depth, that's not good.  I want the bits: the 16 bits, or more is even better, I want the colors as accurate and rich as possible. These days, the pixel count gets ever greater, and to some extent other aspects do too, but not so much dynamic range as well.

About my blog, my life, my relationships, my situation, etc.


honest blog post...

Why are people so fucking stupid, to not realize that I've been being honest in my blog posts?! Life's not easy or fair and I want to get my messages across; I don't like this either

I don't want progress, it never helped me with my personal life

I have an extreme aversion to almost all electronics in this house, including the TVs and cell phones. I was hoping that a power higher than me could help me out with life as it has been going with humans, but it has never worked out, and work makes things worse no matter what I was to earn from it- Wanting to die, whether or not it's a mental type of thing, hasn't been on my mind because I don't want to risk going to a mental ward, but am afraid that depression is better than my life currently. I got emotionally traumatized by peoples' dealings and the way this world is: without moderation, there's no progress, and I want to stop all progress, because there's only me to moderate other people who've been angry with me and who have mistreated me. Without an end to progress, people won't learn to no longer mistreat me, and without suffering, there seems to be no learning for them.

Dreaming of stupid Instagram selfies at terrifying locations...

"Oh, dreamin' of being Instagram, of being the selfie master, at the edge of canyons and mountains" You know, what this is about, right? You don't want to die, but have probably got the urge to take selfies in dangerous areas, and for me, maybe I'm too tired today for this shit, though! On a more positive note, I will likely never have kids of my own, because I don't want them to live on this dangerous world. Sometimes I like to listen to music primarily.

The weather is nice in my imagination

It'd be nice if it was stormy all of the time- but not the exact type of stormy weather that we see on Earth- instead of isolated or scattered, large and powerful storm cells, there could be many miniature storms, each heavily congested, giving off very small and relatively weak electrical charges, which if anything can't hurt people, numerous and very close together, at or near the surface of the ground, so that the air can be constantly ionized! And instead of downpours every so often, or once in a long while, it could be raining constantly (or almost so) but gently, a light sprinkle. So, after that thought, I wonder how many people would be willing to make such a scenario become possible. And to add to that, there could be another sun for the Earth, could there not?!

What if it's all true, what if it's all...


What if?!

How about if all storms on Earth, including hurricanes, were about the size of a Pro Football stadium?! And what if such miniature storms also formed and traveled at eye level, producing microscopic hail, tiny tornadoes with winds still just as powerful as all tornadoes, miniature lightning? Climate manipulation

A great idea?

Let me tell you an easy way to have fun, well, one that works at least in theory, in practice probably not so much. This is a theoretical idea, by the way. Given that the Earth could be large enough, then if one could see 500 miles or more with extreme visual could then make unusual moves and signals (in public?) to send to whoever you might have a crush on.

I'd like to actually benefit at least once in life:

Here's what I want from life (my objectives, so to say):  Have real relationships while being a good person from start to finish  Be a moral and ethical person to the fullest  Want to go to at least one National Park   Own a great online business  Know how to get rid of toxic people from my life  Stay away from hate  Find out ever more, as there's ever more to learn- once one stops learning, usually by getting distracted, then one might never get to know everything that's necessary  Have 20/20 vision  Live in a different society that's normal, not full of hatred, and is ecological as well as moral  Become interested and excel in a little bit of everything  Last but not least, not have to worry about any of the above, which is simply fucking sad... Now, what is also sad is that, perhaps obviously, I feel as though none of these things have come to reality in my life. Even though I've come close to having some of t...
Some might say and/or think that the mind is crazy, but I've been thinking instead that it's creativity that's behind everything!

A strange vision from one of my dreams

I wondered if it was true, if what I was seeing was real. My caller ID, the one on my phone and not on my TV, showed, and was in red this time. I didn't pick up as this seemed like a dangerous idea. The next thing that I knew was being in a store where I've had negative experiences, and I was in line at the cashier's station, behind someone who was trying to pay. I started peering at the display next to the cashier that usually indicates the total amount that the buyer needs to pay; and instead of seeing their total amount, I seen a message, and it said: "Pick up your phone" RED letters

Some daydream that I had today...

Storm cells, each only about 50 meters wide, only about 5 meters above the surface (ground), each putting out at least four times greater rate of rain than the downpours ever witnessed on Earth, the sunlight ten times more intense than what it is on Earth, and each cell racing past at about one hundred and twenty miles per hour, the clouds breaking apart against trees and structures, and reforming on the other side...the weather stations having trouble forecasting such pandemonium, issuing reports of extremely localized, major, flooding that evaporates within about ten minutes. I stare, as during all of this, there's still a light of hope: CRAZY!!!!! And in such a dream, one almost surely can't help but wonder: if this becomes true in thousands of years, will it be considered global warming? And I wondered afterwards, what atmosphere really means. The weather near the ocean is also strange, but not nearly so.

Another thing that I think we should keep in mind after the recent shootings in America

I've been stressing this for some time before the recent shootings, but I have been aware, of one very important idea, and everyone should be aware of it: You don't know how long your life will last, because one second you could be fine, and the next you could be dead. It can all happen so quickly, and people need to realize this. But there have been many people on this world who are mentally ill, depressed, etc. and the idea is, that you shouldn't let people down or hate on them, because life can be incredibly short, and hating on people in any way can destroy a person. Also, if anyone's struggling in life with mental illness or anything of that nature, promote help and help them get better, because it's the opposite side of the spectrum that they should be on before an instant could end their life. So act with urgency.

The thing that I agree on with Trump

A shooting is a tragic event, but in the aftermath, I think that Trump gave good reasons for why the shootings happened, and I agreed with his reason that video games and the internet are some of the causes for this, because I can relate to people who have been exposed to, and practiced, virtual violence this way, and I had to learn this the hard way as they unleashed hatred on me.

I want to message people at this time

I've really been wanting to message a variety of people. Not happening, though 😨

How I was born, wasn't truly inherent of life

I was born with an urge for unhealthy things, such as sugar. Also, I was born with desire to do things which are morally and ethically wrong; but over the course of my life, I think that I've learned and changed, so why people still hate on me?

Follow your inherent feelings intelligently

I have been feeling with the thought that everything is set in the beginning to be perfect, and these feelings are so strong. And then, I've been convinced with certainty that there are special places where I should be, and that there are special situations that I need to participate in, or else my life can turn into a diversion- this is related to perfection, because for life to be perfect, it is these places where I'm to go, and these situations that I'm inherently drawn to, which I should pay attention to, and participate in. I think that I've learned enough to do all of this, morally and ethically, but still people will probably want to destroy me. My life knowledge is beautiful and well thought out, and I could use it all to my advantage, my philosophies of life, but I still feel like wanting to die, because of how people have been mistreating and ignoring me. What else can I say?!

My loss of followers has brung me a sense of dread 😨

😧I'm speechless because I lost followers, which made my heart start to go very fast and made me nervous, and I don't want to feel like wanting or desiring to die, but I don't know if I can hold back the feeling today...too many mistakes in life, too much anxiety caused by failures, whether it's failing to achieve what I set out to do, but also anxiety caused by negative aspects of life altogether. You can only tolerate so much in life when you feel like no more than a wisp of air, and after that it seems that you've been forced into this life against your own will. I keep writing about my feelings, but it seems that no one ever cares about me.
The human race is an unpredictable and I hate so much about it

What I think about most things

I hate at least some of the mainstream ideas, thoughts, perceptions, etc. mainly of the people who I know on Facebook, because such ideas have been forced on me, and I can't tolerate anything being forced on me. If I let anything from any of those people get to me, even a little, then I'll turn into a destroyed person who only cares about those things, doesn't regard other things at all, such as the fact that America is (generally) a horrible society, as well as ethics & morality, etc. I don't strictly have hate towards these people, it's just that, how can I tolerate them? Teaching is one thing, such as posting positive things on Facebook, but usually people disregard all other stuff that's also important, by just focusing on a narrow set of problems. It's like a huge puzzle, but rarely if ever does anyone put a significant part of it together. I hate religions as they all have led to unnecessary violence, as well as technology, although admittedly I...

Truth about me

I might like to let you know something about me, the truth. I'm a condemned individual ; condemned by other people, who'd like me to be gone from life, who likely think that I'm nothing more than a wisp of air in the grand scheme of life.

A very strange theory that has invaded my mind, toxic people, etc...

Something very strange indeed, has been on my mind for a long time. I got this theory literally out of nowhere, it came to me for no rhyme or reason, just like something materializing out of thin air. Not just that, but it's been keeping me at right about the boundary of sanity and insanity, because even though it seems to be to some extent insane, I'm convinced almost certainly true. My theory is that Instead of the world being preprogrammed like in a computer simulation, maybe it might be true, but just maybe, everything is supposed to happen perfectly: that we have been given guidelines not just simply to live life morally, ethically, and all of that, but to perform all things perfectly: literally! For example, our flow of emotions and/or emotional feelings as well as thoughts (and how they're structured from time to time) is supposed to be perfect. Maybe even our own movements are supposed to be on par with perfection, to some guidelines. However, I'm not all of the...
Sometimes I can get disturbed or scared of specific things that I want to die to get away from the feeling...

Sometimes I don't know where, what, why, how, etc. of anything!

I wish that I could express my emotions and feelings by drawing, painting, etc. (through art) with enough perfection to enable today's people to understand me, but the vast majority seems from my perspective to still be unstable in at least one way, whether it's totally misunderstanding me, getting offended, becoming furious, etc.

TV hasn't been sending me personal messages, people have been thinking wrong about me, so little can be so deadly, threatening times

Difficult to sleep for me, who are these people trying to get inside of the house whenever I'm least aware?! And what are they saying?! I'm terrified, because it only takes a tiny amount of letters written by yourself on the internet to get taken out; A single, short, line of text written by someone could get one taken out, and I've been terrified that I might've written something and totally forgotten about it. I've never had vivid dreams, and I've never felt that the TV has been sending me personal messages, although the latter would admittedly be extremely compelling, if true. But the problem is, I don't know how long my time on this world lasts, and people, knowing this, still want to view me like a piece of trash, it seems.

My dream setup for photo & video...Sony Medium Format w/fast lens

I'd love to have a medium format sized sensor version of the Sony A7R IV, but with 4K RAW video at least up to sixty frames per second, built-in ND filters, 10 Bit (at least), 4:4:4 Compression, H.265 Codec, etc. And by medium format, I mean true Medium Format size. I don't need more than approximately thirty five megapixels. I'd love to be able to have a super fast burst mode, to be able to take thousands of RAW or DNG format photos in succession, at sixty frames per second and, like the A7R IV, have the ability to have APS-C Crop Mode in which performance could be increased even further. I'd love to then mount a 50mm FF-equivalent F/0.6 lens onto it for some incredible astrophotography and even astro video of meteors and maybe some other celestial objects such as the Aurora! Also, if such specs were ever incorporated into a newly released cameras, then there could be so much applications for which the technology could prove itself helpful and more useful!