A cooled camera with Large sensor and extremely large aperture?

I've been wanting a Medium Format digital camera, one that also can accept large aperture lenses. For medium format, a lens that could be equivalent to a 50mm Full Frame lens would be great, and if it could actually have an extremely large aperture, and honestly it should be able to achieve the sweet spot below F/1.0! No coma, aberration, vignette, or distortion at such a large aperture as well! We're likely not even close in time for such a thought to become reality, though. I want to be able to press the camera's shutter button and within a fraction of a second, be able to obtain a noise-free image of the Milky Way galaxy, not have to wait for as long as is necessary currently. Which is approximately ISO 3200 at twenty seconds-and the noise is unacceptable for me most of the time. With an enormous sensor like what's in a Pentax 645Z, powerful light-gathering optics, an extreme cooling system for the camera, and the newest sensor technology, ISO 3200 could probably get you down from twenty seconds to approximately five. But, AI can come to the rescue here! And we can easily get it down to two seconds, maybe less! Finally, we might be able to make enough technological advancements to record video in regular frame rate in extremely low light, such as recording the starry sky!


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