A very strange theory that has invaded my mind, toxic people, etc...
Something very strange indeed, has been on my mind for a long time. I got this theory literally out of nowhere, it came to me for no rhyme or reason, just like something materializing out of thin air. Not just that, but it's been keeping me at right about the boundary of sanity and insanity, because even though it seems to be to some extent insane, I'm convinced almost certainly true. My theory is that Instead of the world being preprogrammed like in a computer simulation, maybe it might be true, but just maybe, everything is supposed to happen perfectly: that we have been given guidelines not just simply to live life morally, ethically, and all of that, but to perform all things perfectly: literally! For example, our flow of emotions and/or emotional feelings as well as thoughts (and how they're structured from time to time) is supposed to be perfect. Maybe even our own movements are supposed to be on par with perfection, to some guidelines. However, I'm not all of the way sure that people understand this concept. I have been thinking, that life is likely to inherit an inherent quality known as perfection. Because if we allow other people to start to manipulate our way of life, which might indirectly manipulate our emotions, then we have strayed away from perfection. In theory, perfection itself shouldn't be necessary, at least that was my initial thought; however, it's my analysis of the emotions that I've been having, how they've been responding, that's most likely too difficult to explain to people other than myself. Emotions and people's responses to various life events could initially be correct, but there's imperfection caused by other peoples' interference. I like to consider people who interfere in life's perfection as toxic. Compare this to the analogy of a computer or something else that's complex in nature: If imperfection isn't achieved for some reason and to a specific extent, then the system might gradually, eventually, fail. Life might follow these same rules, after all. If a single person interferes in the perfection that life is initially supposed to inherit, then gradually, there could be an imperceptible diversion from life's course, and a person's life could go out of control, gradually. And if this can happen to a single person, then all other people could go in a downward spiral throughout history, because a single person's failed success can be a domino effect, which can have a large effect on the outcome of the history of this world!
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