What's boring in life might not be what you might expect

Science, religion, and overall mainstream thinking is boring- at least most of the time. It would be so refreshing to have an alternative hub where one could go to discuss this stuff, if there was an another way of looking at all things, and this way would most likely cause relief to all of us who are at least in one way or another smart and like-minded, wouldn't it? I don't think on a general basis or every day that, everything is based on equations and that reality is subjective. Instead, it's our own thought processes that essentially create this reality. For example: if science never came into existence, everything, if not most, might remain superstition. Superstition could be just as real and true as science, because it is science itself that perhaps might be making all of the supernatural aspects and stuff of this world become rational entities. It can be likened to the double-slit experiment, but in this case, it's matter that's composed of the waves and/or particles, and science is the observer: so if scientific explanations never came about-that is, if people never tried hard enough to explain anything in life, then all that's supernatural wouldn't merely stay unexplained, but indeed, supernatural.


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