I took over 1,500 photos during a single day

I was thinking about going ahead and making a time lapse from the photos, but I'm not processing all of those files, it would take about 24 hours or maybe more, just to open them, which is what I tried but had to restart my laptop. So another full day of waiting, either that or I could sift through all of those files, and in the meantime I don't have anything such as Photoshop Lightroom so that I can find images easily or quickly by rating. So, out of over 1,500 photos, only about six of them were of use to me. So, 1,500 or more photos have been made practically for no reason, but will not be used up. I have considered before to take a class in astrophotography or time lapse to figure out how to most efficiently make use of thousands of photos and quickly compile them into time lapses. What's been sad to me, is that I can't simply set my camera to record and record for hours before creating a time lapse video from the original video. I'd need either the dedicated Fujifilm battery grip (about $350) or a different camera, such as the Fuji XT3 or Fuji XH1, the latter which could record videos using higher dynamic range.


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