Update: Despite warm temperature (over 45 degrees) this morning, lots of rain came along, and I’m afraid that that’s what caused a significant amount of leaves to fall. Otherwise, however, I was really looking forward to the peak of the colors of the leaves. I will try to make use of what color remains. Without the rain, the best time for fall color would’ve been around the 5th of November, and I could tell by the way that the enormous maple tree in my backyard has changed color. But at least what I can do is take some photos, which is exactly what I did today, and compare them over the years (by coming back and taking a near identical photo of the same place from the same position exactly one year apart) to possibly show the effects that potentially changing climate has on the autumn colors!
Showing posts from October, 2018
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When the large Maple in my woods starts changing color, is when the leaves will soon be in full color in the forest. When it starts to turn either orange or red, that's when the magic's at it's height. Currently, the tree is only yellow with some orange and hints of red. So the colors here in Southern Michigan still aren't fully there.
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I came out of this last week very badly. Someone ought to lend me a painkiller. I felt like shit today. I was treated like shit today. He packed like all of the parts that I was inspecting, and I never got the chance to look them over. I might lose it, I might lose the job because of this and I might just lose my sanity now. I have poor memory and I forgot to mention the problem to him, now I don't know what's going to be with my life.
Why alternative realities can not be possible in the multiverse
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According to the multiverse theory, anything that can happen does happen in an alternative universe. However, as I explained, each universe besides our own, is like the soap bubble; although the soap bubble might seem to form a definitive boundary through which nothing can interact, that simply isn’t true; the effects of our universe extend to all universes, to the entire multiverse. Therefore, the thought that each universe is slightly different than one another, and coming to the conclusion that every alternative to our own universe is out there, is simply nonsense in my opinion. That’s because our own universe has an influence on all other potential universes, and everything that happens in each universe is to some extent dependent on our own, and our own universe has effects on the entire multiverse. I think that that is, at least to some extent, an echo of the quantum explanation of physics. Every thought that we produce here in this universe has some kind of an influence on ano...
And why the humans must come to life?
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Why must we be alive in the first place? For the significance of life can be appreciated mainly through the perception of time. The significance of life is mainly dependent on what your own experience of life is like, mainly the experience of time. We could live at a much quicker pace, or much slower pace; however, because we experience decades as we do (as going by relatively slowly), we give major significance to life, because so much seems to happen. But if we were to experience it at many times slower, we would probably give many times as much significance to our experience of life. However, if we experienced the years going by quicker, we might not put as much significance into life and not be worried so much about dieing. It could be that life is something that happens extremely quickly, it’s just that we are so “slowed down” regarding our experience, and therefore seem to put too much emphasis on this moment. However, it’s all that we have for now. Yet what if it’s the othe...
Phone with high resolution versus large sensor with low resolution
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Today let’s talk about the advantages and disadvantages of two cameras: one with a sensor smaller than the other, while having more resolution than the latter. Which would be a winner? First of all, many people would probably focus most on pixels, which can be a major player, but perhaps not the main player, in image quality. The more pixels there are, the larger an image can be printed. However, do keep in mind that if the lighting changes drastically, and if you also want to use various different settings and still get identical looking images, you might be disappointed if the sensor is relatively small, like they usually have been made in smartphones. However, there have been cameras with sensors several times larger than those found in smartphones, and cost many times that of even the best phones. The advantages that I know of are pretty interesting. larger sensors can deliver higher dynamic range, and less noise in lowlight. Larger sensors can also produce smaller depth of fie...
Will we make it when the weather become fractalized?! What if artists take over the government?!
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Artists taking over the government?! How about the climate?! Eventually, we might make the weather resemble fractal like patterns. Artists could get a hold of the information , start messing around with the climate, and then we could be fucked. The climate viewed from above could resemble art, just because someone could enjoy the way it looks.
Weather changes that could signal something worse than Climate change?!
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By this point, we are probably all aware of climate change. However, I’ve been wondering, what if weather conditions such as temperature or pressure for example, were mapped onto a graph and the corresponding depiction were a fractal? You know, like the most major changes could have slightly smaller changes right before and after, and each of those slighty smaller changes would themselves be surrounded by the third-largest changes (which could of course be even smaller), and so on? What would that indicate?! Would that finally make many people think of the simulation hypothesis as true?! I mean, we have found fractal-like patterns in nature, and if those kinds of patterns could exist in the form of weather and/or climate, then that would be strong evidence, a strong indicator, that there’s something more powerful organizer that we don’t even realize! All climate deniers and climate accepters might then turn their way towards the greater force.
unusual weather pattern in Alaska causes warm air to surge past the North Pole, intense cold over America
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https://www.wunderground.com/news/news/climate/news/2018-10-19-alaska-record-late-fall-freeze-snow-anchorage-fairbanks?fbclid=IwAR3BRieWT5Z34bJVSY-l3bUfo6QLdQjM2SfK4t4893OK2_AFmqfQ8BZozPc/ As cold air over the Arctic get pushed by a warm front, the cold air get displaced and the jet stream can reach unusually far south
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I feel like global warming needs to become real, or at least regional warming. When the wind, the sleet, the hail, and all that’s miserable comes together and fights the good fight, makes me feel depressed, and I feel like burning enormous fires and pumping out greenhouse gasses and making a lot of steam, and making artificial suns, to make the precipitation melt away, and bring more life into existence, to make reality a better place.
By the way, creativity and imagination are a beautiful combination!
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Collapse of Capitalism
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I recently wrote that capitalism, when totally in control of the world, without any influence from other political ideology, is not my cup of coffee! https://medium.com/insurge-intelligence/scientists-warn-the-un-of-capitalisms-imminent-demise-a679facac985?fbclid=IwAR1i_l_tR0M3nOok37JcrUTw8KGXEaNSwjnvr6zOA7vLjlz0tKhWSN42ee8
What the universes mean
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The multiverse; but there’s a problem the way it seems. Something seems off about this kind of theory. Initially, I thought that the multiverse was a great theory. But I think that what many, maybe even everyone, doesn’t realize, is that the effects of just about everything and anything that happens in our own universe, effects EVERYTHING; that is, it also has effects on other universes; one example is gravity. Even though the effects might be infinitesimally small in another universe, I don’t see how it would be possible, given our current understanding, to impose limits that would probably have to be infinitely strong to not allow for the forces and effects of one universe, or in this case, our universe, to not overlap (in a sense) into many other universes. Using this logic, I think that all universes actually are most likely to belong to one universe, since no universe can interact totally independently of one another. Let me give an analogy: There are various planets in the ...
What is socialism, nationalism, etc.?
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I don't like to commit to any one ideology by the way. It's like this, you see: Just like I like to have my coffee mixed with sugar, water, and maybe some other stuff, I wouldn’t like to solely have capitalism or communism at once. Instead, I’d like to pour some capitalism into a cup, sprinkle in some socialism, and maybe even mix in some communism. But I don’t want one or the other having total control over the world in which we live. The same goes for conservatism and liberalism. Yeah...but eventually it won’t lead to anything significant.
New mobile applications revealed through my dreams
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An excerpt from one of my dreams: "virtual map shown colors emanating from various places nearby, showing what emotions people were giving off, with cool colors indicating negative emotions and warm colors indicating positive emotions. This could perhaps be used in the future, to indicate the virtual colors of various world regions, to give a sense, via color shown on the map, to indicate which areas would be likely to make you feel negative, or positive. You can then learn to avoid, or instead benefit from specific world regions”
Emotional Balance
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My opinion has been that anger, madness, rage, but also other feelings at the other end of the spectrum such as happiness, pleasure, etc. aren’t necessarily necessary. I wish that we could all get along without needing to resort to any feelings, to have a kind of emotional balance or equilibrium. Experiencing one end of the spectrum makes us long for emotion, and that’s what the problem is. But emotions can make us lose energy, and make us hungry for more.
What we want isn't what should be
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Summer=deadly mosquitoes, flies, etc. while spring=violent storms with damaging hail and sometimes even temperature swings that can be too violent, ,Fall=Loss (in particular, the loss of color), is muddy and cold, Winter=too cold and extremely painful season and devoid of much life So, what we want, or the perfect conditions, aren't what they should be, because they aren't theoretically possible. We won't ever realize our fantasy life because they're can, and probably will, be negatives to everything. You can never, yes never, get rid of negatives while introducing the positive, and the opposite, being that you can never introduce negatives without introducing positives. That is mainly true for many things, I think. The best you can do, or the closest that you can come to having everything become positive like magic is to change yourself. Change your own conditions by moving around and about in this life, in this world. Put yourself into various situations that diffe...
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My memory has been pretty bad in recent years. Supposedly, bad memory is an indicator of higher intelligence. Or not, maybe it’s just that everyone’s brain is relatively messed up because they’ve not gone through enough experience as me, for example, going through extreme mental pain. Maybe there is, however, some sign of a higher intelligence, perhaps having to do with memory. I think people would die if they realized this, however. If people were to go through what I’ve been going through, they’d probably start dieing. These years, we go through seasons, and each one of them brings us difficult times. We can’t seem to escape all that is wrong.
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I might rise again, as a much different person, having realized so much about life, having gained by myself a better understanding of the way in which the world works. It's unfortunate that this is so, and I've come to the conclusion that the world, overall, isn’t good to your existence and your being, but I have embraced the fact and hopefully I can use the knowledge to my advantage somehow. I’m not dieing because of my problems. I’m essentially only going through an illusion. I’m not here in this world to die after all.
Why dieing is not a solution to your problem(s)
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Dieing might seem to some as a way of letting go of all problems. However, I don’t think that’s how the world works. For example, say that someone’s got a grudge against you; if that’s the case, then they might have an advantage over you once you’re dead; not only that, but those who have done you wrongs might never see justice. Now, if you kept living, then you might be seeing justice being given to those who have done you wrongly. Sometimes it might take a day, other times a few months, or maybe even a lifetime. But don’t ever lose hope when it comes to solving your problems. Yes, hope might be lost in some way, but it’s like this: it’s like falling into a coma; in that case, you don’t lose all hope of life, but merely can have the illusion of being dead, and it’s in that way that life can work too; you might be convinced that you have been killed by your problems, but after being tortured, you might realize that pain is essential and you actually might still have hope.
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There was once a time, when I fantasized about a world that I was convinced was real, in which people were superior to animals. However, that concept’s merely an illusion. For every great thing that comes about in a human’s life, there are great setbacks and upsetting despairities which animals don’t ever experience. For every person that lives life by laughing happily, there’s something going on inside the mind which simply can’t be expressed, and cannot be understood by any person on Earth. Why must it be so, that bad luck always precede after I feel it coming, even though it’s not in any way possible to predict it? How do I ever come to a good state?! Why is it that people have been so torturous to animals and to one another?! why the burning, stabbing, shooting, hanging, etc.? I’ve been reading some extremely disturbing stuff that seems to be true, and I feel guilty that I can’t stop it. But also, I go through misery whenever I realize that it keeps going on and I’m still in t...
We Are slaves
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Without any way of realization, we are slaves to this life, and the way that we must live. No matter how much freedom and happiness you can attain, your life is still limited. It’s especially true for me, however. I’ve already graduated, but am still enslaved. No one wants to believe me, and no one will ever have sympathy towards me, since they don’t understand.
I feel like dieing
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Today feels like dieing, in every sense of the word. That's more than depressing, because that's not how I wanted it to be; we can't be doing that...I wish that I could've finished a general degree in science. I'm practically a slave, or at least I've been feeling like one, but the problem is that I've already graduated, not from college, but graduated from all misery and despair. Why am I still a slave; why must it go on like this all of the time?!
The rain coming has been coming in strong in various world areas
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Looks like an extremely wet October so far, including areas such as the United States (and I can personally relate to that), as well as Spain and Portugal (where Hurricane Leslie came onshore), as well as Oman and some surrounding nations from a cyclone, India from a cyclone, Bangladesh from rain, France from immense rain, while in much or most of Northern Europe, well above average temperatures have been residing. In Australia, severe weather recently occured about two days ago, and an extra tropical system is quickly making way towards Western Europe, though it might dissipate quickly. It’s a very interesting coincidence that major flooding has occured in various world areas all at nearly the same time, very recently. Africa and Asia have also had major flooding recently, but not quite as recently as the previous world areas listed. Major storms are likely in South America at the time of this writing.
Eaton Rapids, Michigan
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10/29/2018: Low of 30 degrees, high of 45. Mostly cloudy. Clouds in the morning, then sunny in the afternoon and at night. 10/30/2018: Low of 24, high of 39. Sunny throughout most of the day, with clouds becoming ever more present, becoming fully cloudy at about 6pm. 11/1/2018: Low of 40 degrees, high of 46.
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I think that the winter of 2018 will start off slightly colder than average, then some time in mid or late winter it get well above average temperature-wise, at least for some time. I think that then early spring to be much warmer than average. Storms will probably be frequent in the midwest over late fall/early winter, but then right around late January is when it might start to warm up at least for ten days, and that’s about the time (if not earlier than) the start of the major storm season. Once spring begins, there will likely be major rises and dips of temperature throughout much of spring. Then, during the summer, there will be major heatwaves, although that’s not too uncommon. The first day of December I think will bring very dreary, wet weather and dark clouds throughout the day, followed by a sunny, but bitterly cold day.
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Atheists, at least many of them, are nicer people than religious folks. Religious people have the tendency to become mean very easily, although there are also people who are; let's put it this way: it can be anyone's guess as to who they are, they aren't atheists nor theists, and they are extremely frightening to me. However, what I was going to write, religious people seem to me in the past to have acted uncontrollably, at least when it has to do with emotions. Back in the day, I would feel like having an emotional breakdown, but that's not what it was, although I had this mental discomfort which I was never able to explain, and I would feel like breaking and throwing stuff. Emotions are what cause pain, more than the physical stimuli themselves. I can't come to terms with how things are the way they are. I prefer being a rational rather than emotional person, because emotions can cause so much misery. And misery is a negative aspect, because it essentially can rui...
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Poland is an interesting country. In fact, Europe in general is interesting place to visit. But there are things about Europe in general, which prevent me from wanting to live there, and even visiting some of the countries. I can only imagine how neat it would be living in Europe, so inspiring. But people have essentially turned it into a country that's undesirable in my opinion. Lots of mean people based on what I've been seeing and hearing, mainly on TV. Political parties seem to be very divided. Poland is one example. The one party has been pro-European while the other party, pro-Russian. But I don't think that either Russia nor Europe is the correct way to go, when it comes to the question of who is the better ally. There should probably be a balance. I think that here in United States, it's time for an independent to run for president. We seem to deserve a renewal here in the United States. Many people here in United States are essentially cruel, in a sense, when i...
A Strange dream once more...
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You driving a car, when the passenger scream, “Ahhhhh!” And you swerve uncontrollably , perhaps thinking that something might have gone wrong, such as a car about to crash into you. As soon as the scream stops, passenger yells, “YOU GOT A BAD REPORT CARD”. Then you realize, things have really gone wrong...
The Germans are watching!!!
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Yes, it's probably true. I mean, Germans account for the second largest majority of viewers of my blog. It's even possible that they could account for the largest audience, except that I don't know that, because apparently Google has blocked me from viewing who my most popular viewers are. Strange indeed. By the way, never will I express my political views or ideology or anything of that nature.
Yahoo Answers is for jerks, and people in public giving me death stares
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The answering community is full of it, and overall, Yahoo answers is a community of jerks and unapolagetic bitches. I didn’t actually intend in the past to test out this theory, but I inadvertently did, in a sense. After losing access to my original account, I created a new one with a new email and username. Once I started asking multiple questions, not spamming, but rather asking various different questions. And I didn’t ask them frequently either, maybe once a day at most. People either ignored me (typical behavior) or negatively criticized me simply because the question was almost, but not quite, thought out perfectly. I tried to clarify and respond with a thought out response, but no one responded to it and there were no further answers. Basically insulting me too. And not only that, but it also has seemed to extend beyond that, outside of the internet. Soon after using the internet, on multiple occasions, people have given me deathly stares, as though staring a thousand mil...
The thing that I fear the most about my life...
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People have seemed to be dangerous to me, and malevolent I have feared the worst, not by my own doing, but by others’ actions...I’m still in fear, up to this day, and it’s a constant misery. I have been frightened by the prospect, or the reality, of others sympathizing against me and instead sympathizing for those that are literally mad against me. Uncontrollable madness. Every day seems to bring me bad luck, and every day feels like I’m trying to dig out of a hole or something like that. I have very little possibility of holding on to any luck in this life. I hope that people would just leave me alone, and not push me to the brink of the worst simply because I’ve made relatively small mistakes that don’t affect them...I have found it extremely difficult to understand the world, and how it works, or at least why it works the way that it does. Can anyone else relate?! I mean, by the way. this is like, a very serious matter. I must get ready for what might happen next in my life, and ...
Technology addiction
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I've been watching Netflix's Follow This (Tech Addict). Early on in the episode, it was mentioned that if your impulses are quicker than what your brain can process when browsing through information, then it can lead to many hours of wasted time. I feel as though I've tried to mention this myself a long time ago on my blog when I wrote about wasting time; yes, some of the posts weren't necessarily on topic, but there was a least one that really was relevant. I wonder if the same is true at all for other forms of technology instead of computers, laptops or phones; what about things such as cameras, and those technologies which are considered more than a hobby rather than simply an interest? Anyways, so during the episode it was also mentioned that technology can cause pleasure, which is why it can be like an addiction. Recently, I've been trying to get across the fact that pleasure can also be experienced naturally, without doing anything in particular, important; yo...
My camera can perform better than a Fuji XT3
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In some situations, mainly lowlight when using high ISO, my camera, the Fuji XT2, despite having slightly lower resolution, can take higher quality photos in lowlight than the XT3! Evidence: https://www.dpreview.com/reviews/fujifilm-x-t3-first-impressions-review/6 This is stunning; I've got one of the best performing cameras for lowlight, and about the fourth best for landscapes!
Why do I like gift receiving more in the spring...?
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I'm probably going to have the most fun next week, after my Fuji lenses arrive! They’ve essentially been very desperate to depart and they’ve essentially been wanting to come to me! It’s probably going to feel like my birthday. Although my favorite time of year to get gifts is probably some time in the spring, when everything begins to bloom, and when many things can be renewed! When I receive stuff during another season, I’m just like, meh? What’s the point, really, if I can’t be fully happy as I could be?! I mean, if I get something, especially if it’s something that’s relatively expensive and takes time either to learn or to get accustomed to, I feel as though the gradual but certain advancement (or unfolding) of time, or in this case spring, can act as a great complement to the fact that I’m growing with knowledge, skill, and experience. Wow, I suppose that it doesn’t take much at all to make me feel off under specific circumstances, does it? I feel that after finally realiz...
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When I looked at the back of the package that belonged to a die cast car, even though it had various words on it, one of them was in Polish, and only Polish! Other words were in the usual Espanol, or maybe German and French, but just one lone phrase in Polish? What’s going on here, after all I’m not on crack to be selectively hallucinating part of a package or only some of a number of words. This happened back in 2007.
Please realize, we live in really strange times currently
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I’ve been getting Polish words on my PC; strange? Not much, but what’s even more strange is that even after getting on other computers I got stuff in Polish! Maybe it’s because I was logged onto my Google account (which is in English)?! For example, I recently watched a Youtube video (recently, as in 15 minutes ago), and the first text that showed on the video was in polish, despite the fact that the guy in the video and his content was in English! Either we live in some strange times, or I need some serious mental help!
My Fuji's in!
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My new camera, the Fuji XT2, came in the mail. This was part of an order in which I was able to save a total of over $760 on camera equipment/accessories! I’m very glad and happy to have bought it in an extremely short window of opportunity of time, because about one day after I ordered it, the price skyrocketed to be even higher than that of the new XT3! Overall, the build of the camera is great, and I hope that I can use up all of its potential. It’s capable of great lowlight capability, and the results compared to that of the Sony A7 II (full frame priced at about $1,350) are so identical that when comparing test results from Dpreview’s test scene comparison, I didn’t notice any difference! That, and the fact that the sensor has better resolving power (it has X-Trans sensor) in a smaller design is a major reason what makes it worth the price. Sure, the A7 II has image stabilization, but I think that, for my needs at least, which are nature photography and videography, the 4k vid...
Something that can't be understood
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I honestly won’t ever be the same again. I don't think that you'll understand this unless you're me. I’ve been traumatized over the past few weeks. I seen a man look at me with a face that’s simply indescribable; it was worse than anger. He looked, actually stared, at me as though I’d killed someone. I felt condemned since that time, like I mean...I was just walking to a store, not getting anyone into trouble. I suppose that there are things that I don’t know about which get me condemned without my prior knowledge. Why can someone feel this way, one can only wonder. How is it even possible to feel the way that I’ve been feeling? Every time something happens, and it gave me bad luck, and it’s happened every time. I could anticipate bad luck and my whole life going down, and seriously no one gives a care. Many people can’t actually get along with me, right from the beginning. When I got stared at, I had hoped to die to get the stare over with; in fact, it’s not just the st...
My prediction about a new fast lens, almost true
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It came so close to becoming true...enormous aperture lens has been announced, just not for Fuji X, unfortunately: https://photorumors.com/2018/10/03/new-nisi-75mm-f-0-95-fe-lens/ L mount is among the most amazing things in the world, but I'm not owning one unfortunately. An f/0.95 @ 75mm?! Okay, so there has already been f/0.95 aperture before in Mitakon and I think Voigt as well, however, at 75mm, that's an enormous entrance pupil! Now give me that large of an entrance pupil with 50mm or less!
Hail and tornado drought for about 6 years, mainly in the United States
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Did you know? Interesting fact about "the event" of 5/31/2013
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There have been many interesting events to happen in history, but something relatively recently has really been interesting. On May 31st of 2013, an unusual weather phenomenon happened. A storm the likes of which has probably never even been seen before occured in Oklahoma, luckily missing inhabited areas but killing multiple experienced storm chasers. It was the El Reno storm; the largest rotating vortex ever recorded at surface level. The entire mesocyclone dropped to the surface, and it was the equivalent of an enormous tornado, one that was measured to be about 2.6 miles wide, with at least four satellite vortices, each of which had winds equivalent to the force of about an F5 tornado. The main vortex moved at over 50mph, and the storm itself produced at least 5 F5 tornadoes. Since then? At least five years has passed, and there has been relative silence in the United States regarding extreme weather. So could it be that the largest tornado ever recorded somehow caused a prolo...
I think that we might be entering scary time ahead...
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