Technology addiction

I've been watching Netflix's Follow This (Tech Addict). Early on in the episode, it was mentioned that if your impulses are quicker than what your brain can process when browsing through information, then it can lead to many hours of wasted time. I feel as though I've tried to mention this myself a long time ago on my blog when I wrote about wasting time; yes, some of the posts weren't necessarily on topic, but there was a least one that really was relevant. I wonder if the same is true at all for other forms of technology instead of computers, laptops or phones; what about things such as cameras, and those technologies which are considered more than a hobby rather than simply an interest? Anyways, so during the episode it was also mentioned that technology can cause pleasure, which is why it can be like an addiction. Recently, I've been trying to get across the fact that pleasure can also be experienced naturally, without doing anything in particular, important; you can induce experiences that can be about identical to that of drugs, perhaps not every one of them, just by getting yourself into. I feel like these feelings have come to me through extreme trauma or something of that nature; I’ve learned that major mental/phsychological states that are negative and that aren’t, to my knowledge, documented or described, because they have their own unique feeling, can lead to great feelings; not to say that they’re good for you, but your mind has the ability to compensate for bad things, bad feelings, negative trauma. And sometimes, the compensation can become so great that it can induce the effects of antidepressants, but also other drugs too. But I have doubts about entering such states; these states have also seemed to lead me into feeling bad or negative, after my mind has tried to compensate to be normal. I suppose that it’s like being bipolar.


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