What we want isn't what should be

Summer=deadly mosquitoes, flies, etc. while spring=violent storms with damaging hail and sometimes even temperature swings that can be too violent, ,Fall=Loss (in particular, the loss of color), is muddy and cold, Winter=too cold and extremely painful season and devoid of much life So, what we want, or the perfect conditions, aren't what they should be, because they aren't theoretically possible. We won't ever realize our fantasy life because they're can, and probably will, be negatives to everything. You can never, yes never, get rid of negatives while introducing the positive, and the opposite, being that you can never introduce negatives without introducing positives. That is mainly true for many things, I think. The best you can do, or the closest that you can come to having everything become positive like magic is to change yourself. Change your own conditions by moving around and about in this life, in this world. Put yourself into various situations that differ in many ways, and learn to adapt quickly to every kind of situation and every kinds of conditions while you’re at it.


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