The rain coming has been coming in strong in various world areas

Looks like an extremely wet October so far, including areas such as the United States (and I can personally relate to that), as well as Spain and Portugal (where Hurricane Leslie came onshore), as well as Oman and some surrounding nations from a cyclone, India from a cyclone, Bangladesh from rain, France from immense rain, while in much or most of Northern Europe, well above average temperatures have been residing. In Australia, severe weather recently occured about two days ago, and an extra tropical system is quickly making way towards Western Europe, though it might dissipate quickly. It’s a very interesting coincidence that major flooding has occured in various world areas all at nearly the same time, very recently. Africa and Asia have also had major flooding recently, but not quite as recently as the previous world areas listed. Major storms are likely in South America at the time of this writing.


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