It seems as though my numbers are dwindling, not just on my Facebook Friend list, even though that alone is in itself extremely disturbing to me. But I can’t let others bring me down, take advantage of me, or do me wrong. People, those who are sane, simply don’t resort to these things. Anyway, I feel like making some youtube videos, or other types of learning tutorials, to spread the knowledge of budget photography, or how much you can get away with, using a budget, and how to get the most out of free software, cheap accessories, etc. That would be really neat! Now might very well be my time! If anyone can recommend me some screen capture programs, that’d be appreciated. Also, I’m still looking for some video editing software; I tried Starstax, but am not exactly impressed with it’s functionality, though it’s free.I was planning on recording a time stack with the help of Starstax to show an example of what I was trying to tell about, but it didn’t work out too well; some functions o...