A Mistyped post, something lost...something learned!

Looks like I seem to have "mistyped" my recent post about my trip to the Northwest. It turns out, as I find out very recently, that I took the wrong filter with me. Sorry for that, even though I was talking about a 10 stop filter, I actually was talking about an 8 stop filter, and it turns out that actually I left my really dark filter at home. The NDX400 filter is actually an 8-stop filter, while the filter I found recently at home, about three and a half weeks after vacation, was a 12 stop! No wonder I didn’t get as creative as I could’ve gotten with my photos! Anyhow, I'm awaiting some really neat clouds such as, for example, Cumulus or Stratus. so that I can finally show all of you the “stacklapse” example that I hope to create soon! I did it, I can now have my remote shutter release go until the battery dies! I suppose that there’s some relief in all of this! Ha, I should make sure not to leave home without it next for my next photo outing. Now I realize that on the web, there are examples of stacked time lapse, which are really neat, but I want to do the same except that I want to essentially smooth out the clouds in a way as to fill in any gaps, or “stutter” as you might call it. If you’re wondering just how dark these filters are, the 12 stop is far darker than sunglasses, and in fact, stacking the 8 stop and the 12 stop filter together=about 20 stops reduction of light, which means that with the stacked setup, and with your eyes adjusted to about average vision (with regards to brightness), you’d see the sun as a somewhat dark circle, and other than that, everything else would be too dark to see using normal eyesight.


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