A large cold front to sweep across the United States, Warmth in Alaska, Unusual Hurricane, and notes about the year's unusual weather

Map of many stories: A cold front that caused unusual snow in Texas coming towards the eastern States, Alaska to warm up next week to up to about 15 degrees F above average, and Tropical Storm Pablo (formerly the most Northeastern Hurricane on record) near Western Europe all on the same map. What's not shown by the map but also happening in the region are the major hurricane strength winds in California, as well as tall waves on the Great lakes which have washed away sand dunes measuring at least twenty feet tall: the current water levels on Lake Michigan have been about three feet higher than average. Over the year of 2019 so far, there have been several weather anomalies involving lightning, temperature extremes, as well as others. In July 2019, according to an article which I've not found the link to yet, some parts of New Zealand experienced wintertime low temperatures of about 70 degrees or about 20 degrees Celcius. Also in 2019, many major fires spread across the Arctic. An unusual number of lightning strikes was noted well north of Alaska, in the Arctic during the summer. In October, a major Stratospheric Warming event took place over Antarctica, causing the air well above ground level to reach about eighty degrees Fahrenheit which was caused by Antarctic jet stream colliding with subtropical weather patterns. The Stratospheric Warming influenced weather over Australia, and caused cold conditions in New Zealand. In fact, not too long after this event, Australia experienced a difference of simultaneous temperatures which was about forty degrees Celcius, with a daytime high in the South recorded at -1.6 degrees Celcius during the same day while a daytime high in the North was recorded at about 40 degrees Celcius. In Fahrenheit, it's equivalent to about the same difference as exists between twenty eight degrees and about one hundred degrees. From a time span ranging from October sixth to October seventh, a tropical storm into a Category Five Hurricane within twenty four hours, one of the most intense (quick) strengthening ever observed.


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