The area where I live was like the opposite of the Bermuda Triangle

Ever since the months of December 2017, the area where I've been living in Michigan has been diverting weather systems around itself. It's like a high pressure system that stays in place for a prolonged time, like the weather system that steers Hurricanes away from Hawaii. During December, as well as the rest of winter of early 2018, snow was very often diverted, falling close by and around my area, but never exactly in it. Then, during all of the seasons of 2018, precipitation did the same "magic trick". The elevation of southern lower Michigan is almost the same everywhere, including my area, and the amount of water is practically the same everywhere in terms of lakes and rivers. There are no large areas of flooding here except perhaps on very rare instances. In conclusion, there aren't any environmental factors native to my region (at least that I know of) that could've diverted weather systems around. Sometimes the world is a strange place, with anomalous phenomena!!!


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