No matter what I say or do, I'm a piece of shit to everyone

My family has treated me like shit. You can't do that unless there's a valid reason, you know? Yes I've been outgoing in some aspects of life where I might've had a life that was more fair than others, but it never was extreme or much. My family doesn't realize that it's people besides them who've also been punishing to me. Peoples' views on life has often been critical to me, and I've been trying to stray away from the criticalness of life. But, in the end, no matter how it is, and no matter how I am, I'm still a piece of shit to everyone. I've very often been punished by various people without apparent reason, and it's been making me mentally unstable to insane. But is punishing someone as necessary as it usually seems? Initially it wasn't me who knew everything about life from the start. I was punished before being taught, and I've viewed that as unfair, for what it is. It's not like what I was punished for was something that I knew was wrong initially and it's also not that I intentionally did it. And this is what's wrong with society at the time that this was written. Punish me for my nature, before I get trained to do differently, you know what I'm saying? Writing and thinking past tense is the name, because it can be nicer if everything were to pass me by, you know, the entire experience of life and everything that it encompasses.


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