Positive Emotions are like Medication

Music can make emotions flourish, but...emotions come with a very drastic down side; emotion, when negative, can be extremely devastating and unbelievably intense. Emotions can also increase pain, even positive emotions combined with pain can make the entire experience more intense, even if the positive emotion does so indirectly (It probably can do it directly as well). The vast majority of us probably never experience positive emotion in an exact way, in a way as to cause pain. But a partial reason for pain via positive emotion, positive emotions can work like medication. Just like a painkiller can work wonders, it's the withdrawal of painkillers that can be compared to withdrawal from positive emotions, that is, if the positive emotions are intense enough, the human mind might try to compensate. And sometimes, it can lead to overcompensation, specifically if the human is prone to addiction (or perhaps better called obsession in this case) to positive emotions; but, don't let positivity warp and/or distort your own view of reality: it is all smiles and happiness which is rewarded in this world, but not showing emotion has been usually considered a bad thing: I can't help but wonder: "Why?". Why can't I be my own self in society, and keep a straight face? I understand the situations that can arise in society and in public, but the problem is, while the situations might not be the same, emotions are well overrated as far as I've experienced, at least in this western society. I wrote withdrawal: essentially overcompensation when it's too extreme. I think that people who take drugs have generally too much happiness in life from these commodities. Because of this, the world is warped to them in the sense that it seems far greater than it really seems. But the problem that I've noticed, you can be happy and pleasant as you'd like, but in the process much suffering might be happening without your awareness: think also suffering that could happen in other areas of the world: people on drugs, or who are even not on drugs but exceptionally happy and pleasant, are at least to some extent oblivious to world misery somewhere else, because for them it's just the localized effect that emotion can cause that makes only the person feel great, but yet not doing things out in the world that can equal these types of emotions in terms of how positive the things themselves are is definitely a mistake. If you just focus on feeling great in life, is that the only important aspect of all? I mean, it's not about material things all of the time. Think: helping the world or at least as much of it as you can, can be of much more benefit overall than feeling good: but helping people can make you feel happy too. If I get the chance, will likely help the environment as much as possible; I don't really care for people: You might hear from time to time horrible things done by people purely because of (for example) religion, mental illness, ideology, or even religion. While I have agreed with the notion that the previous list is composed of factors that can make a person horrible, I disagree that without these things people wouldn't be bad. I have known many people personally who are horrible, without any reason such as drug usage or a bad upbringing; we are all born bad, but my idea has been that we have the option to change. People have almost always shown me intense emotion towards me, and I can't be an emotional person, because being a rational person instead is far more of an advantage to life and well being. You see, being a rational person is a steady course, while being an emotional person can sway you in and out of dark places. I prefer to take life steadily and consistently regarding how I live, instead of going on this roller coaster ride that many have been on, on which positive emotion has a natural attraction to negative emotions, the latter of which I initially didn't want to associate my life with. It should've made sense; it not, please do some brain exercise!!!


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