I can't sleep...because it's snowing in Mid April!!!
It's so late at night. It's past 1 AM. Monday, April 15, 2019, yes, MID APRIL & still snowing. Don't worry though, it's not actually an unusual sight, I was using some exaggeration there; after all, this is Southern lower Michigan. This will likely be the last of freezing weather (snow, sleet, etc.). but not freezing temperature, as freezes, even deep freezes are still likely to come in the mornings. I feel like staying up every minute of every day until the freezing and colder weather decides to subside. Anyways, interesting to wake up in the morning to white powder in the ground. but for goodness sake my tasks aren't all done. It's like the weather, you see: as long as the weather doesn't cooperate, I don't get all of the tasks done that I set out to do; interesting how that has ended up working out. Huh?
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