Scientific study indicates that yes, we can in fact sense changes in the Sun, here on Earth!

Wow!!! This is incredible. I've been following the steady progression of knowledge of geophysics, and the study of solar activity. I've long known about the Sun's magnetic influences on Earth, some of which seem unusual but are real. Now, a scientific study sheds light on the magnetic field's influence on people. In fact, the solar magnetic field's interaction could even have to do with biological life in general; this is where the highly mysterious chemical known as DMT comes in: thought to be literally a messenger between us, it is likely a form of universal language between all life forms, including plants; we all have this chemical in ourselves, but the reason for why we do is still a mystery. So, since DMT exists in plants as well, than that means that there's a very high likelihood that plants can also sense magnetic fields; this means that subtle and slight changes in the Sun's magnetic field can be sensed by plants, and plants might potentially use this ability their own advantage, because if the sun ever changes in a dramatic way, such as dimming excessively, for instance, then plants might gradually respond before an extinction happens, because the changing magnetic field might very well be a precursor to major solar changes. I've been watching the YouTube channel, Veritasium, and one day after the magnetic field video was released, science websites recorded went crazy, reporting the findings; I thought that the video on YouTube was simply a casual thing that was happening, at least, based on the way that people talked so casually on the video, I had no idea that this was nothing less than a major discovery. Keep going science!


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