End this already, because I'll get killed and I don't want to get killed

I'm serious; end this shit. It's not about Momo or anything. Each day, the way I get treated, the way my fate is unfolding, I helplessly wait, and it's not better than waiting to be killed. I can feel bad things coming my way in the future, and good shit will distract everyone from the bad stuff. I just feel like crying, in disbelief of it all. I cry whenever I hear good music, because I can't get happy from it anymore. I don't get happy from anything anymore. I know, you might think depression, but no, I'm not depressed; I feel like I'm going to get killed. I hate the fact that paranoia has become real. I feel good when my blood pressure increases, but I never knew that life could be so powerful to ruin people, to ruin everything; Wish I could be there for you...


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