Emotion vs rationality
I don't wail and scream, because I don't want to make everyone abandon me; but I know that the pain is still there; a true story of my life. I have about always wanted to become a rational person, to escape emotion, but the benefit of emotion keeps tempting me to be emotional; the fleeting notion that the more I believe in something, the more likely it might become; not just achieving goals and objectives in life, but actually causing something "out there" in the universe to come into existence through pure belief. Emotions are what make spiritual and religious people who they are, but emotion can take you down a dark path. At many times in my recent life, I have had the longing to go home. In my times of despair in life, emotions have been so damaging, and they have made me fail to realize what's actually happening, what actually is wrong. Remember what happened; remember that there's something much more to all of this that we might know.
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