For goodness sake, please make morality the main deciding factor!

People should be judged not on how smart, or rich they are; they should be judged based on their morality and ethics, for goodness sake! I'm tired of how much many people are . You know, so many rich and/or successful people on this world, but so many people are still unhappy. I think that the key is morality; how well you cope with other people. I wish that that's how the world works some day, that the more moral and ethical one is, the more successful they are. For goodness sake, the stuff being done to animals in particular, but also to others, is horrible. I truly fear a world in which criminals take authority and become people such as governors, or presidents. It's just too much to think about. People keep believing in supernatural explanations, in the fact that there's an afterlife and that there are entities such as angels, because they feel as though that's where the only hope lies. They want to believe in a god who can make things right. However, I think that this kind of scenario should become reality here on our world, where people can transform and become ethical and moral. I hope that it makes sense by the way.


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