Daily writing 12/28

I'm tired; I've been sleeping so well tonight though! I feel like writing constantly. I can't help but keep thinking. It's been really dark outside and the nights still very long here. I've felt like I was listening to music even though at the time, I wasn't. The merchandise needed to enjoy perpetual darkness is so expensive. I want to go somewhere far away. Anyhow, trying to essentially connect the serotonin molecules so that I can function properly. Still don't know 100% what I'm doing in this world at the moment. I'm afraid of what's outside. I know that life's uncertain, and we could all die or get killed at just about any moment. And in the meantime, we haven't gotten even with those who have done us wrongdoings; this is sad. I hate it when people do me wrong because then I get the urge to do demoralizing things in my life. And immorality is something that goes rather against spiritualism; that's sad. So when the time comes, I can have "fun". I hope that there will be a better time in this world. So much creativity has left me, so much thought and benefits of mind... yet I still have the urge to write. Maybe something might come of this, and maybe whoever might be reading this finally gets the main idea of this writing. We might all be in a bad dream. I've been wrong about so many things, and have been ridiculed. Maybe some people can get together and talk and have discussions?; that could be a really neat idea, wouldn't it? Random details and information, seemingly from thin air, coming together in my mind. Spooky music and a discussion among a group of people. What are we? Why, religion and science can go together, or they can create a conflict; but who says that they can't produce a great discussion? Why can't spiritualism and science somehow interact? The occult can be used to banish a place that's become too boring too dreadful to be in. Where is the end of this? Where can I take this logic?


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