I seem to feel different than what I’ve been feeling in my life before. I’m more thoughtful, deeply emotional, and more intrigued by things that are paranormal, the theory of parallel universe, the simulation theory, etc. I’m like addicted to these topics, and I feel like I might need some medicine or something that can get me back to reality, as much as I hate returning to it. My mind, my emotions and feelings, seem to have travelled forward in time, while my physical self has stayed put! Think about such a concept for at least a moment; your life’s experiences, as perceived by your senses, can go by at a different rate than what your emotions go by; not that your emotions are delayed, but instead that your emotions come before the future even happens! That’s good stuff, isn’t it?! For some people, it’s drugs, and for others it’s gambling; or still, it could be sex, or cell phones. But for me? For me intrigue is the drug that fuels life itself. For me, compelling facts and strange mysteries are seriously and literally indescribable, as well as being the defining structure of my mind! I think that the universe is going somewhere, where to is anyone’s guess, but there are deep thoughts that have been coming into existence, specifically into my mind and I feel as though my language and expressions are too premature, not because I’m like that, but because we as society haven’t been practicing enough in the mysterious knowledge of the world! What’s horrible is that I have gotten the perception that I’ve been perceived as a spammer, but I assure you that’s not true! Perhaps if there was much more discussion from others that I could engage in, then I would have more brief ways of explaining myself and reality in a way that’s understandable. Don’t you think that we need to be open more? I mean, if a belief can save your life, it can also make you a more creative individual and have possibly unknown benefits on the mind! I’m taught by people, and science, to disbelieve in various things, such as ghosts for instance. But I prefer to live in a world full of mystery, unspoiled by mainstream knowledge, rather than have a universal knowledge of all things. That is my message.


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