
Showing posts from May, 2018

Feels like that kind of time again...

I feel like watching some foreign shows and maybe reading some memes which, just like all of this, I don’t even begin to understand, then falling asleep and never waking up to this fucking world again

I hate the way that things are working out in this life

Wow, I’ve graduated five years ago, and I’m still stalled and free falling to the ground, all because of some bastards that decided that it’s great to hate me
I’m a hostage to peoples’ grudges, and they are holding a gun to my head all of the time. I think that someone should help me diffuse and reverse the situation

Demonic Society of ours

If demons actually existed, they’d tell me to let go of it and find acceptance; but that’s not why I was born. I wasn’t born to accept my fate, the fate that others have put upon me!I’m seriously tempted to become an evil person, because some don’t deserve anything good in life. I don’t believe in the devil, but figuratively speaking, the “devil” is trying to meddle with, and manipulate my life. I’m not a person to believe in fairy tales, but I talk about such things for the sake of context, so that others can understand me in a way that works. There might not be a devil, but there’s something called evil, and it’s a byproduct of the human species. I wish that you could all realize this and I could get help somehow, but since I’m a piece of shit, no one will care... no matter how I feel, others’ relationships and feelings are more important than me. If needed be, many people wouldn’t hesitate to get rid of me from society for the sake of everyone else. Some of you might know what a h...

How feasible or practical is astrophotography using an electronic superzoom on a scope?

I've been contemplating astrophotography by means of using a superzoom camera attached to a telescope. Just how feasible or practical would such a setup be? Probably the most major problem with this idea is that the lens of a superzoom extends quite a lot, meaning that when you mount such a camera to a telescope and simultaneously play around with the zoom function, it’s very likely that you’ll damage the camera, because if you start out at the widest focal length, the lens is usually shorter than it is at it’s maximum extent, which means that you can’t simply put the camera flush against the eyepiece; the internal motor or mechanism which controls the zoom function will most likely become damaged. I still wonder, however, if anyone has ever successfully done so using careful, tedious measures? It’s a good thing that my camera’s not a superzoom, because my telescope adapter is too short to accommodate such a lens extension, in which scenario the other lens focal lengths won’t be f...

Seriously, where did all of my foreign viewers go?!

I feel worse than a heart break

The fact that people just deleted me, this has gotten to a state where I can’t withstand things. Why must I live such an unfair world?! I feel worse than a heart break. I hate the people here in America! They ruin my life!
As I sit here, hurting, I think about the nonexistence of people’s forgiveness towards me. As I’m tempted to death to hurt myself, I remember that there might be a place called forgiveness, which I can call home... For years I’ve been hoping people would forgive me, and not leave me. But now I realize that life is an ocean, and forgiveness is the shore, which can’t be seen and can’t be reached.
I'm an emotional person
Making love to people is not something that this race deserves, given how unethical we are. If I were you, I’d opt out of it.

I’m an emotional kind of person, to the point of no return.

I get despair when a stranger must leave me, whether being aware of my presence or not. Sorry but when this happens to me in real life, I wish that I was never a part of this world. When I see some of the girls in public, I am obligated to leave ;either that, or they have to leave, and I’m terrified of the constant heartbreak that I get, and the reality that I won’t see them ever again.

"demons" in society

“God”, because he might not be real, should help me right about now! I see someone I like, then the demons enter people who then try to distract me, and tell me stuff such as “we must go now”, me never seeing the desired individual ever again. The “demons” try to tell me that I never seen the desired individual in the first place.

In particular, I "regret" not meeting certain strangers

I seen girls who I liked; I see them, they’re attractive, and I’ll never see them again! This isn’t at all about being inappropriate. Instead, I just want to say that I see people who I want to get in a relationship with in public, who are strangers to me. And once I walk away, my trial of torture begins; I will never see them again, even if life was immortal. The very realization of this truth drives me insane. I can’t even begin to understand some of life’s meanings. Do you know when you see a stranger, and you have an overwhelming feeling to stay with them; they’re like family, and leaving someone you like, or in this case, I like, feels as though I’m permanently leaving a family member. If there’s a god, he better explain this shit to me, because it’s incomprehensible. Being isolated, or not connected, to millions of people out there is terrifying for me; it’s exactly the type of fear that one gets when he or she can’t feel the bottom under the water. This is literally a wicked ...

This might make more than sense

Listen, I understand that my posts might make me come off as insane, but yesterday, 5/17/18 something interesting happened; I started writing on a different blog; I wrote about demons, an attack in the morning, and about what’s deeper than the unconscious, or when the brain waves get slower than they do during REM. Is this a mere coincidence, that I started writing such strange stuff, or did “something” make me write? Evidence: Bastards at Google don't even bother to mention the time during which my posts have been written;

Unconscious to dreams

So unconscious, that you’re not even conscious enough to have dreams? Because I’ve been having this trouble when I’m asleep, I swear that when I fall asleep I die.

I think something might be wrong with me

I can’t tell which hallucination’s which, and what the difference between a block of acid and an interdimensional being is. I think I want to go outside now. Hopefully I don’t attack the demons in the morning, because of my coffee being stale. I think it’s time to imagine more, think more about what’s imaginarily imaginary. First you’re conscious, then the unconscious brings you the imagination, but you can’t go any lower. You can’t be unconscious anymore than unconsciousness itself. You go to dreamland, then you can’t slow down your brain waves anymore, to enter what’s deeper, what’s beyond the imagination.

When the aliens misbehave, demons can walk through walls

Sometimes I seen strange entities dematerialize, and rematerialize into a different entity in an instant! When more hauntings occur, UFO reports come tumbling down. One day, the alien entity that I observed was trying to attack a demon; I suppose that it’s the solar energy that’s messing with them and making them aggressive. Ufologists will try to use their sick mind to create a conspiracy in which the aliens are aiding the demons. One day, a strange unexplained light appeared in the night sky, and conspiracy theorists who are also ufologists would argue that it was meant to expel demons out. For every 10 aliens that spin around, one demon walks through walls, and CERN’s large particle collider creates a black hole which allows small amounts of demonic energy to enter or exit our world. The demons have their own mothership, and blocks of acid the size of a virus fall from this ship. Microscopic particle colliders created with alien supervision to manipulate interdimensional entiti...
Unexplained event on 5/5/18?! That's my premonition, I don't know if it come true.

Budapest 5/5/18, etc.

Budapest 5/5/18, Las Vegas incident. Something in the news about Hungary for 5/5/18?

A Tantalizing Weather Phenomenon?

I've read extensively about weather in the past, but I still aren't sure what would happen during this kind of scenario.

Russia major natural disaster in the upcoming week?

Perhaps a major natural disaster might also end the week for us in Europe.

Chicago incident for 5/4/2018

A Chicago incident might make major news tomorrow, in the afternoon.

Major news event in or around kortendijk tomorrow?

but will something really happen? Most likely, Controversy has to attack me with a vengeance, but all I can say about this event is that there's a chance that it happen, but remote viewing is far from perfect, especially since I'm a beginner, so there's a very high likelihood that this won't become a premonition, but the event either happen in another place entirely. Or, something entirely different but noteworthy might happen at the place, which would frankly be disappointing. Please stay open minded! I don't know if this works unless I try it.